Chapter 3

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     "Doc Green? Are you here?" Cody called into the strangely silent lab. He entered into the doorway of one of the side rooms and was immedietly pulled behind a table that was flipped onto its side. Doc Green had his hand clamped onto Cody's jacket and his other hand on Frankie's arm. A loud thwack accompanied the movement of the table, and all three humans jumped back in surprise.

     "Doc, what did you do this time?" Cody asked, crouching behind the table and bracing it with his back.

     "You see, I was testing out a new robot that could-" Doc Green's sentence was cut off by another thwack as another object hit the table.

   "Daddy made a robot that could throw baseballs for people, but water got on the wires and-" Frankie finished her father's sentance as yet another baseball flew over the table and into the wall behind Doc Green, leaving a dent. "Well, now we just need to wait until the machine runs out of baseballs before we can shut it off." She shrugged, and peeked around the corner of the table, only to pull back and just miss being hit in the face with another baseball.

     "Well, since we're gonna be stuck here for a bit, can I ask you guys a question?" Cody asked, hoping to direct the subject to what he wanted to ask.

     "Of course Cody!" Doc Green smiled at the Burns boy before turning to Frankie. "I believe that you should be able to deactivate the robot soon my little Einstein." Frankie simply nodded, her focus all on the robot now.

     "Well, last night did you see any big flashes of light? Like, one that would make the sky above a different color?" Cody asked, fiddling with his jacket and placing his hoverboard on the ground.

     "Not to my knowledge, but I did hear what sounded something like a lion roaring outside the lab once last night. Woke me right out of my sleep!" Doc chuckled, his gloved hands expressing his emotions. Frankie dashed out from behind the table, and a few seconds later the whirring of technology turning off came from somewhere across the room.

     "Got it turned off!" She said victoriously as Cody and Doc emerged from behind the overturned table. The robot was lying on its side, a final baseball clamped in its three fingers. Doc helped Frankie set it back upright, then he turned to examine the sparking wires sticking out from the back of the robot's head. Frankie walked over to Cody.

     "Cody, I heard the lion roar too, but what do you mean by bright light?" she asked her friend. As Cody struggled to find the right words to explain what he had seen the night before, his com started beeping.

     "Cody, can you hear me?" Chief Burns called through the miniature communications device.

     "Yes dad, what's wrong?" Cody responded, a odd feeling of dread creeping through his body.

     "Lots of things by the sound of it," his dad replied. "A blown pipe down on Main Street, a road blockage east of the town, and a forest fire near one of those forest campsites. Are you still at Doc's?"

     "Yeah, do you need me to get to the command center?" Cody asked, glancing up at the also concerned Greens.

     "No, I'll have Dani pick you up. Kade is going to take care of the fire, while Graham is checking on the broken pipe. I'm going to check out this road blockage." Chief Burns explained. The com turned off as Cody looked at Frankie.

     "Well, I'm not sure how to explain the light, other than it was at Mount Griffin." Cody said to his friend, shrugging half-heartedly.

     "I'm sure we'll figure out what's been happening," Frankie reasured her friend.

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