Chapter 19

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Cody and Frankie walked ahead, jumping on logs and climbing onto low hanging branches. Graham and Doc Green walked behind the two kids, enjoying the nice quiet nature. Boulder finished the group, walking robotically behind the two adults. Birds chirped in the trees, and a gentle breeze rustled the branches overhead.

The group passed a small cliff, which overlooked a small stream. A tiny waterfall supplied the water, the noise comforting and quiet. As Frankie and Cody ran ahead to go and play near the waterfall, Graham pulled Doc over to have a private discussion. Boulder proceeded to go and ensure the kids didn't get into any trouble while the adults talked.

"Doc, can you look at this map of Griffin Rock with me for a moment?" Graham asked, holding out a rolled up piece of parchment. Doc nodded and Graham unrolled the paper, showing a nice map of the island of Griffin Rock.

"This is where we were when Cody disappeared, " Graham said, pointing to a small red x marked on the map. He then moved his finger to point to a circle near the lake. "This is where we found Cody a day later," Doc took a close look at the paper. "Doc, do you see anything weird about this?"

"Well, these two places are far apart, but it's not impossible for someone like Cody to be able to get to within a day." Doc mused, tracing a line between the x and circle.

"Well, here's where things get wierd," Graham said, pointing to another spot on the map, this one closer to Mount Griffin and marked with a black square. "Cody ran from here to the lake, after waking up in his stick tent over here somewhere. At least, from what he said," Another finger point to a dense part of the forest this part a black dot scribbled onto a big area. "Technically, if he went from the campground to where the dot is in an afternoon, spent the night in a stick tent, then spent the morning getting up to the creek, and the afternoon running away to the lake, that's really fast for a ten-year-old. Especially on rough terrain with no proper gear and no one helping him."

Doc Green took another look at the map before frowning. "But in order for him to get to any of those areas from the campground, he'd have to cross the road. There's no way to get to that part of the forest without someone seeing him cross."

"And yet no one did. It's like he never crossed the road, almost like he was teleported from one side of the forest to the other. We asked everyone." Graham said, studying the map.

"Teleportation shouldn't be possible without some kind of device," Doc said, trying to figure out what was going on. "He didn't mention the road when he told you what happened with Quarry?" Graham shook his head.

"I mean, it could have slipped his mind. He looked pretty rough when dad brought him home," the engineer scratched his neck, his hard hat blocking his light brown hair. A yelp from Frankie brought the adults attention over to the kids. Boulder was attempting to hold back a giant white mountain lion, who was working on swatting the giant green bot away. Standing on its hind legs, it was almost the same size as the rescue bot. The two kids had crawled inside a small cave that was created by fallen rocks and were huddled together.

"Cody!" Graham scrambled to roll up the map and get to his feet.

"Frankie!" Doc yelled for his daughter, who was holding onto Cody. Cody himself looked frightened, but not as much as his friend. Boulder grunted in surprise as the creature shifted its weight to slam him into the ground. The creature's claws dug into Boulder's metal, and it took all of his focus to not yell in pain.

"Graham, Doc!" Cody yelled from under the small cave. "Try and distract it! Get h- it away from Boulder!" The two adults frantically looked for something to throw, but the creature leapt off of the bot, bending down and swiping a giant paw at the two kids.

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