Chapter Five

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Roman got up bright and early to make sure he wasn't late for whatever this meeting was about. Once he arrived though, everything in the room seemed off.

Dom sent them to a location he was unfamiliar with, soon realizing this was a..warehouse? He shook his bad thoughts off and walked inside, seeing Andrade who looked scared out of his mind. Maybe he shouldn't have shook those thoughts o-

"Roman.." Dom spoke, breaking him from his thoughts, glancing over at Dom who seemed to be smiling. The room was dimly lit so he couldn't hardly see shit. "Have a seat" Dom spoke and pushed a chair next to Andrade. Roman hesitantly sat down, avoiding all types of eye contact.

Doms POV

I smiled as I looked between the two of them. "So..Damian and Liv told me everything. Before you even speak, I'll talk to Rhea myself. Until then I would like to speak to both of you about it." I spoke as I sat down in the chair I had facing towards them. Poor Andrade looked scared out of his mind, it was cute though.

"L..Look Dom, it was her idea and I feel stupid for even going through with it alright?" Roman spoke, making me turn my attention to him. Well at least someone confessed here. "I see..what about you Andrade?" I looked over at him, flashing him a smile. He didn't respond.

I stood up and walked closer to him, picking up a knife which got his attention quickly.

"D-Dom look what he said was right ok man? Just..please put that down" he spoke very quickly, making me chuckle. "So all of that was her idea? Even when you were going to talk to her that week when I decided to face Gunther?" I spoke, lifting his chin with the tip of the knife. I glanced over to Roman who just said there silently, like he should. Suddenly Liv appeared from behind me, rolling out a chair that she strapped Rhea to.

Rhea just looked at me with this scared look on her face, making me smile. I tossed the knife to Liv, switching spots with her as I walked over next to Rhea.

"Everything is fine ok mami?" I spoke softly, stroking a piece of hair out of her face as I smiled.

Just fine.

Timeskip. No ones POV.

Roman ran to his car before shit got crazy, not even caring about what happened in there. He was just lucky that Liv agreed to let him go, catching his breath once he got in his car.

Checking his phone to see 15 missed calls from Seth. Shit. He didn't even bother to call, just sending him a quick 'Im fine' message as he drove away from the warehouse. Rhea flashing in his mind and how scared she looked, she must've never thought Dom would get pushed to this of all things.

He came to a red light and sat there waiting, feeling someone staring at him. He glanced to his left as his eyes widened. It was Liv. She just smiled and waved at him, as if she didn't almost kill A- he was in the backseat. Andrade. Roman just turned his head back to the road in front of him, speeding off when the light turned green.

Damian's residence.

Damian had called Roman to see if they could talk about this whole thing so he agreed, pulling into the driveway. He noticed quickly Seth's car was out front as well and sighed, getting out of the car and walking to the front door.

Two knocks. The door opened to Damian's tall figure, flashing a smile. "Hey Ro" he heard Seth call out and waved at him, walking into the house.

"How'd the meeting go with Dom?"

"It went..well" he spoke hesitantly, which only Seth seemed to notice but brushed it off.

"So to just cut everything short, do you want a relationship with her?" Damian asked, leaning back in his seat. Roman shook his head no almost instantly. Why would he want a relationship with Rhea after the shit he just had to witness?? "I see..well I suggest you talk to her and just drop everything with her alright?"

"Yeah Ro, I agree with him. I mean she's with Dom so it'll never work and it's just causing issues between th-" Seth's words were cut off with a knock at the door. Damian stood up and opened it, revealing a shaken Rhea.

" alright?" Damian asked, helping her inside. She was just quiet, heading upstairs to the spare bedroom she always stayed in. Roman just looked at her, the only one who knew why she was so quiet.

Rheas POV.

Why..that's my only question. Why. I sighed, sitting down on the bed. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I immediately sent a text to Liv.


Hey, can we talk?

Livvie: Why should we?

Well I just have questions. And where did Dom go?

Livvie: He's with me Rhea. If that concerns you any

I sat there confused, tossing my phone somewhere on the bed. This was all my fucking fault. I heard a knock at the door, feeling too tired to open it. "It's unlocked" I spoke out, watching as the door opened to reveal Roman.

"Hey..they told me to come talk to you so that's what I'm gonna do. You alright?" he asked, sitting down next to me. I just nodded, waiting for him to begin speaking.

"Good. Well I know you're with Dom and all of that so we have to cut things off, alright?" he told me to which I just looked at him.

"Yeah..I get it. How's uh you and Seth?" I quickly changed the topic, not wanting to continue this. "Things are the same as last time we talked" he spoke with that pretty smile of his following after.

"You seem tired so I'll let you get some rest, just call me if you need anything ok? We're friends and nothing more." I nodded at his words and watched him leave, resting my body down on the soft bed below me. What the fuck is my life right now?

No ones POV.

After Roman left, he was completely unaware of what Rhea had endured.

Liv and Dom were at her house, sitting on the couch having a few drinks. "So what are you gonna do?" Liv asked him, setting her glass down.

"I'll talk to her and we'll go from there. I don't know if she'll even want to talk to me after all of that but it's worth a shot" he responded, downing the rest of his drink. "And Andrade?" she reminded him, glancing towards the stairs.

"We'll deal with that later." Liv smiled at his words, throwing her legs over his lap. Dom smiled and gently caressed her legs, humming as he turned the TV on.

Turning the TV up to muffle out Andrade's pleads of course.

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