Thumbelina's Escape

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Author's Note: Before I begin the chapter, I would like to say thank you to all my readers, followers, commenters, etc. for helping make "In Love with Peter Pan" what it is today. (50,000 views, awesome!)Currently, "In Love with Peter Pan is #1 under the tag robbiekay, #5 in peterpan, #8 in OUAT, #9 in peter, and #22 in the general Once Upon A Time fanfiction archieve! Anyways, part 18 of "In Love with Peter Pan"
(p.s. if I made this sound like the last chapter, it isn't)

Raven's POV

"Guys I see someone flying towards us" Henry says. I see him too, "Thumbelina lay down, close your eyes, and try to hold your breath"

"If I hold my breath, I actually will die!" she says, but she lays down and plays dead.

"You know what I mean!" I respond.

Felix lands and I scream, "No! Thumbelina come on stay with me! Don't die!"

"What's going on?!" he asks.

"When you left, Thumbelina fainted and she hasn't woken up" Henry says.

Felix walks over and checks her pulse, I act like I'm sad, but really I'm freaking out and hoping that the plan works. I breath when I see Felix shaking his head, "She's dead"

He gets up and starts pacing around the room, thinking of what to do, "There's no use keeping her here, she'll start to stick up the place once she starts decomposing"

He stands up and picks her up bridal style and throws her over the cliff, she lands in the water. He turns around and starts walking towards us. I look behind him to see something small and twinkling fly away. The plan worked. I smile inwardly

Felix smirks, "So, I have some news"

Henrh and I glare at him. He continues, "Pan found out about your plan"

I lose the glare and just stare at the ground. Felix says, "Did you think he wasn't going to find out?"

"Of course he was going to find out! But I wanted to be the one to tell him! He needs to know my side of the story", I respond.

"The side that says that you were only doing it because you wanted to reunite a family and in the end you actually fell in love with him?" he scoffs, "Trust me. Pan was a much better person before you showed up and turned him soft"

He makes me look at him, "But now that he's utterly heartbroken it will be so much more easier to kill him, because he'll be weak"

I respond, "Don't! Please don't! Don't kill anyone! If your going to kill anyone, kill me! But spare him and everyone else!"

He walks over to the edge of the cliff, "You're willing to die, to save Pan and everyone else?"

I breath, "Yes"

"Interesting. But that's not how it works, you see Pan screwed me over by kicking me off of the island, so if anyone's going to die first, it's him. And your second" he thinks it over, "Or maybe, I'll kill you first infront of Pan before I kill him"

"Are you doing this because I rejected you?" I ask.

He looks into my eyes, "Partly. Once I got over it, I realized I was better off"

I stand up, "So what's your next move?"

He responds, "They still have about twenty minutes to find you two"

Henry looks up, "And if they don't?"

Felix has this evil look in his eyes, "Then we find them"

Author's Note: Short part, but I really wanted to write the part where Henry, Raven, and Thumbelina put their plan in motion. Comment and tell me how it was. Again, thank you guys so much for helping make this fanfic a success. Sadly, in a few chapters, this fanfic will be completed, but it'll end in an interesting way, so STAY TUNED! Kk, remember Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust...

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