Explaining Everything

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Author's POV: Konichuwa Wattpaders! Here's a brand-new chapter of In Love with Peter Pan! Enjoy!

Raven's POV

I stand up from the dinner table and make my way to Pan's tree-house, where he spends most of his time.

When I get there, he's sitting on his bed, not making eye-contact.

"When were you going to tell me?" Pan asks. I don't answer, I didn't even know I was dating Garrett.

"I-I" I stutter. Pan stands up and looks at me for the first time since everything's happened at the dinner table.

"Were you planning on keeping it a secret forever? Do you think I am stupid, that I'd never find out?" Pan asks, angrily. For a second, his hazel-green eyes turn dark, scaring me a little.

"I never said you were stupid" I reply. I make my way to the bed and sit down next to him, "Why do you care anyway?"

He looks down, "I don't. I'm just looking out for my friends." The first part kind of stung.

"We're not really dating" I confess, "Garrett just said that so that Felix

would stop asking me questions. I don't like to be 'put on the spot'"

Pan looks kind of relieved, "Wait, so why were you guys hanging out in secret?"

I explain, "Garrett has a crush on one of the fairies, Thumbelina, and he's been wanting to ask her out. So he asked me if I could help him, since I'm pretty much the only girl in the hide-out". All of this is actually true. Garrett has been trying to ask out Thumbelina for a long time, but he always chicken's out at the last minute.

"Phew! For a minute, I thought that what Felix said at the dinner table was real!" He laughs. I fake-laugh, which sounded pretty convincing, if I do say so myself.

When the laughing dies down, I smirk.

"What's the smirk for, dearie?" Pan says

"You were jealous" I say, standing up.

"Yeah.......wait! No!" Pan's cheeks turn bright red.

"Awww! It's okay! You don't have to be embarrased!" I say, laughing.

"Shut up" Peter says, smiling, "Let's go back to the Lost Boys"

We leave the tree-house, still joking. Filling the air with laughter and smiles.

Author's Note: Kind of a short-filler chapter, but I hope you all liked it. Please vote and comment, it's greatly appreciated! :D Remember Faith, Trust, and a little Pixie Dust! See ya'll soon! :)

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