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August 27, 2023

Dear Diary,

Naina is found.

But she was found dead....

I was about to call Neha, Naina's twin sister on July, when my mom barged into the room and she was sobbing. Tears were just coming in her eyes so hard. The last time I saw her cry was when my father died.

She hugged me and just told those words. The words that I dreaded never happen. The words I never wanted to hear.

They found Naina but she was dead.

I never wanted to believe it. But it was the truth. The truth that I had to believe and accept for the rest of my life. I cried in my mom's arms for hours so much so my eyes were puffy and red from just crying. I was crying because of the fact that I didn't want to accept and believe. I mean...How could I? How could anyone when they find out their best friend for 8 years who disappeared returned but is dead.

You might be having a lot of questions. How did they find?

She was found in Forest River. One month after she went disappeared. Actually she would have never been found. Forest River is sure dense with long grasses but if you were the just follow the river for about 5 minutes it would lead you to the actual river which is long and at the side we're the tress and water everywhere which at the time before Naina's...death wasn't available.

Dhruv's father had decided that the green river will have boats to travel because they found a good scenario. It was planned long time and was launched actually in July. When a couple had tried the boats and were travelling,they saw clothes floating. Initially thinking it was clothes, they looked closer to see that it wasn't just clothes, but body too. They panicked but had to calm themselves down, as they were doctors, to call the ambulance from their hospital and the police because judging by that, the body wasn't supposed to be here.

They came, saw the body, did some DNA because the body was almost decomposing. They couldn't even see. And the DNA was of Naina.

She died in Forest River. The same river she liked. The same river that I met her. The same river where all of us as friends gathered to just enjoy life. But now.. what is even there? For me, it was just a graveyard at this point.

My mom talked about the funeral which will be held the day after due to the fact that they need evidence. Any if could be found.

The day after, they started her funeral rituals. Auntie Layla was numb. She had no reaction, she was just heartbroken. Later, Uncle Dinesh and Neha came. Uncle Dinesh and Auntie Layla were divorced and they each raising each twin and they would visit occasionally each other's home. Uncle Dinesh was sobbing and so was Neha. I comforted Neha as much as I could. She broke down in my arms and I couldn't help but that made me cry more. The funeral rituals done. But the trauma for the Rathore family couldn't have been more devastating.

Neha told only me a shocking truth. The forensic experts, Not wanting to disturb the family, after searching the body and giving the body, they took her clothes too for evidence. They found no evidence except one - A note that was in her jeans pocket zip. It was also in a ziplock bag as if she wanted it to be safe. The words in the note, I don't know what to say. It was a note she wrote before she killed herself. She just stated she didn't want to live anymore. That's it, nothing else. No reason, nothing.

I just wanted to scream. Scream so loud that my anger and sadness could just vanish out of my soul. But can I? But more than me, her family probably wanted to.

Auntie Layla was traumatized. When I called Neha, she just said her mom was just numb, and wasn't speaking to anyone. She was just.... numb. She probably was thinking maybe it was her fault that she didn't notice anything. But that's not all.

And few days later,

She was dead. She killed herself. Auntie Layla. She wrote no note. But everybody knew why she killed herself. It was the pain that Naina died and she couldn't do anything that would have prevented Naina from... the tragedy that had happened.

But these two deaths resulted in something. Neha's personality.She changed. Her demeanour was not like before. She was more serious than before. She was kind rash. Eliza was worried because this is her best friend from elementary school. The only good thing I would say was Neha didn't push anyone away like Auntie Layla. She I guess found some comfort in Eliza.

But this all... just fueled my anger, the deaths and I forgot to mention a part.

At the funeral rites of Naina, I saw her...  Anushka. Well, Anushka's name is a long story while I might add in this rage of mine. She, Naina and I were a trio. She abandoned our friendships and now she is here. Here for what? I couldn't make a scene because it is a funeral for god's sake.

Does she feel some guilt now? But one thing is for sure from my side - I didn't care after she left and I wouldn't do it now.

But my focus was now a little different. If Naina killed herself, what made her do it? Did somebody bully or trouble her? Now my motivation of  'kill whoever did that to Naina' has just skyrocketed.

I won't let go of that person that lead to this tragedy. I will never...



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