A Vow for Justice

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Soon, I arrive at the cemetery, get out of my car, and slam the door shut. I face the car, putting my hands on top of the car, dropping my gaze to look down at my feet while trying to catch my breath. I shut my eyes, trying to find the courage to see him.

A part of me just wished that it was a mistake, that Luka had gotten it all wrong for once.

As much as I wanted to believe it, I knew that though it was a terrible and ruthless reality, it was the truth.

When I felt as if I could somewhat breathe normally, I made my way to section B. I noticed a girl kneeling before a tombstone, crying with a broken smile.

She's beautiful. Her wavy dark brown hair is flowing in the wind. Staring at her during such a vulnerable moment felt wrong, and I decided to keep a distance from her. To not impose her space.

I start to look for my brother, trying to leave a substantial amount of space between me and the girl, but I cannot find him. After searching for a while, I looked to see if the beautiful yet broken girl was still there. But to my surprise, she is not. So, I headed in the direction she was once in to continue searching for my brother.

Search... I was always searching, always wondering when I could see him again. I never imagined that it would be like this.

I almost pulled out my phone to verify with Luka until I found him in the spot where the girl with the broken smile once was. I look to see a flower on his tombstone.

I kneel in front of my brother.

"Here lies Christian A. Sullivan, a beloved son and best friend," I mumble.

I don't know why, but Christian fits him much better than Dante.

The wind suddenly knocked off the flower that was on the tombstone. I grabbed it from the surrounding orange and brown leaves. The contrast was so evident. The flower looked beautiful and pure, delicate looking. In contrast, the leaves were dirty, broken, and lacking life.

I placed the flower back on the tombstone.

I shut my eyes and said, "Hello, brother. It has been so long. I-It wasn't supposed to be like this. Our reunion was supposed to be a happy one."

"Oh brother, I wish that I could talk to you. Why did you have to be taken so soon? I was on my way back, brother. Why did you have to go out and try to be a hero?!"

I felt the tears trail down my cheek as the cold air constantly reminded me of each painful breath I took. And it pained me so much that I could barely breathe. I can't bear the thought that I could never talk to my brother again, to hear him take another breath.

This feeling weighs heavily on my heart, constricting it. To a point where I feel ripping my heart out with my chest with my bare hands would be less painful than the loss of my dear brother.

Incoming Call From Luka

"Sorry to disturb you, boss."

I clear my throat, "what information do you have for me?"

"This whole situation looks fishy. There seemed to be a couple of leads, but they all ended in dead ends. Instead of continuing the search, after a year, they deemed it a cold case."

I grit my teeth and suck in a breath, "how was he murdered?"

"He was shot three times, sir."

"Did he go fast? Was he in a lot of pain?" I asked while tears streamed down my face.

"I couldn't find much information on that due to patient privacy, but he was pronounced DOA, dead upon arrival."

I asked as I languished, "Is there anything else?"

"I think that you should get more information from the girl. She couldn't give the police a good description, maybe because of how shaken she was. But... maybe she will be able to tell you more now that time has passed. I will send you a text with her file."

"Thank you, Luka."

"Of course, sir."He clears his throat as he ends the call.

I look at my brother one last time before I get up and approach my car.

Text From Luka-

Adriana Grace Stone

Address: 3254 Aldridge Rd.

Age: 21

Attends: Greensville Community College

Major: Accounting

She attends the same college as me, and we have the same major.

Text From Luka- 1 attachment sent.

Shit. It was the girl from before. She looked so much happier in the photo, much more bright. She had a broad smile and dimples. Her doe eyes were the color of milk chocolate, her eyelashes were long, and so was her hair. She is beautiful.

But soon, reality hit me like a brick. She is the reason my brother is dead and my mother is nowhere in sight. I don't know why, but something in me did not want it to be true. And that very feeling bothered me to my core. It pissed me off that if I wanted answers, I would have to get them through her.

I started to squeeze my phone in anger. I will find out what happened. And I will make her life a living hell in the process.

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