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            AFTER THE 'BREAKUP'

3rd person POV:
Drew is walking hurriedly down the hallways of Rosemeadow High, trying to find a restroom where he can hide after the recent turn of events.

"Stupid freaks, stupid Zoey, stupid club, stupid Hailey, taking away Jake—MY, Jake..." Drew says to himself, as he desperately tries to find the restrooms, with tears trying to fall from his eyes.

Drew finally reaches the men's restroom, which happens to be the one closest to the music club. He looks distraught, and glares at the room. He stands there for a moment deciding if he should go to another restroom, and, in the end he decided that it was the right decision.

A few minutes pass and he finds another restroom, far from the club room. He hurriedly walks into the first stall he saw and locks the door. He quickly sits down, staring down at his hands, alone with nothing but his thoughts.

Drew's POV:
"God damn it.." he spats out, not giving a shit if someone else is in the room with him.

"I can't believe trusted him! He was supposed to be my best friend.." He sighs, letting water drip down from his eyes.

"Whatever... hic... I don't need him! I'll be fine on my own! Yeah! I'll be fine without him..." He lets out, fully sobbing.

After what seems like hours, someone else walks into the restroom. Someone, familiar...

"Drew? You in here.." the mysterious voice calls out, immediately making him tense up.

"Me and Henry have been looking for you everywhere..."

"I know that voice... wait a second, Liam?!" I thought to myself.

"We just want to make sure you're okay, Drew." Liam calls out.
"Yeah, we're worried about you man," Henry follows.

"I can't let them see me like this!" I thought to myself as I quickly wiped away my tears and gained composure.

3rd person POV:
Drew stands up, unlocks, and walks out of the stall door, facing his only hope of friends.

"Jeez, man! You look like a total mess," Henry lets out, holding back a bit of laughter.

Drew's body stiffened up as he was about to walk out before Liam could come in.

"What Henry means to say, is that- we just want to make sure you're okay. We know a lot just happened but" Liam was then cut off by a hiccup.

Liam and Henry are stunned as they see Drew in front of them, sobbing. Henry steps forward and motions for a hug, which Drew graciously accepts.

Drew sinks into the hug, weeping like a dog on their deathbed. Henry motions for Liam to join the hug, to which he nods. Liam steps forward and joins the others, allowing himself to sink into it.

While all this is happening, Drew can't help but feel overwhelmed, and yet, guilty, all at once. He knew that he had done something wrong, but he also knew that he was trying to look out for someone he cared for deeply - loved, even - in the way he thought best. He never meant to inflict harm on Jake and his relationship, but, in the end, it was the way it was; their friendship was over... or, was it?
———————————————————and with that part 1 is on its way. Please note that updates won't be confirmed as consistent but I will try as much as possible to keep it consistent🙇‍♀️

Stay tuned for the official part 1 of the story, love you all🤍

Word count: 584 words

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