Chapter 1

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3rd person POV:
Everyone's walking into the school gates as there's 15 minutes till the bell rings.

Liam munches on crisps while his friend Drew stands against a wall, bored as ever, scrolling on his phone.

Jake walks towards the entrance of the building, his mind occupied with thoughts of the music club.

As Jake is walking, he doesn't pay attention to where he is headed, as he ends up bumping into Drew on his way in.

"Oh!! Uh- sorry drew!" He spats out. "I didn't see you there.."
"... yeah ok" Drew responds, before he walks away.

Jake gives a look of hurt before walking inside the building, just enough time for the bell to ring.

The school bells then rings and everyone goes to their 1-D lockers. Jake begins to walk over to his locker as Liam and Drew are still standing at the front.

Liam walks up to drew and looks over his shoulder. "Hey drew! Was that Jake over there?" He asked curiously.

"..I don't know what you're talking about." Drew responds before walking over to the lockers. Liam gives a confused look before he shrugs it off and follows his friend.

Drew and Liam finally reach their lockers as Jake is imputing his locker code.

As the three of them search for pencils, Jake also rummages around for his binder and headphones.

Drew grabs AirPods from his locker, slips them into his pockets, and then grabs five packs of gum.

"Oh shit I forgot there were a pack of out of date crisps in my locker it REEKS" Liam spoke out, as Drew responds with a simple,
"I'm not even gonna ask."

Jake's POV:
After I found what I needed for Math with Zander, I put on my headphones and shut my locker.

As I start to walk away, I overhear Drew and Liam discussing something, something I should definitely stay out of.

Without a second thought, I pull out my phone and hit shuffle on the first playlist I see. As the music starts playing, I begin walking off to my first period with Zander and perhaps some others.

As I reach my first period, I take a look around to see which seats are open. To my surprise, I am met with a familiar face.

"Hey, Luke!" I exclaim, my eyes widening as I spot him.

He responds with a simple "Hey" before gesturing for me to come sit down, and I follow his lead.

Drew's POV:
As I rummage through my locker, I stumble upon an old picture from freshman year. "Why did I even keep this?" I mutter to myself, crumpling it into a ball and burying it in my pocket.

As I close my locker, my friend Liam walks up to me, asking what first period our class is at.

"I think it's Class 2A... How am I supposed to know? I lost my schedule," I say harshly, to which he simply responds with a casual "Oh, my bad."

I walk towards my designated classroom, with Liam following behind. Upon reaching the classroom, I enter with my head down and head towards a seat at the back. Taking out my math notebook, I prepare myself to take some notes.

As Liam walks inside and joins me at the back, I decide to glance up to see if the teacher has arrived. To my surprise, someone else is there, waiting for my gaze to fall upon them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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