Day One: Introduction

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Back at the Jade Palace, the crowd continues to cheer for the Dragon Warriors.

"Dragon Warriors! Dragon Warriors!" The crowd chants as the palace pigs struggle to bring Po and Fang, who are still in the ruined palanquin, to the top of the palace stairs and inside the main building.

The doors swing open as the palace pigs and geese rush in with the Dragon warriors on the ruined palanquin. They quickly dump Po and Fang to the ground and walk backward to exit.

"Hey?!" Fang yelled as she landed on her side before pushing herself up and rushing toward the closing doors.

"Wait a second!" Po yelled as he landed flat on his stomach. Then, scrambling to get up onto his feet, his sister ran past him.

The doors close as Fang nears, causing her to growl and angrily bang on the door as the palace animals leave Po and Fang alone In The main room of the Jade Palace.

"Hello? Uh... I think there's been a slight mistake. Everybody seems to think that we're, uh..." Po trails off as he slowly turns around and realizes where they are.

"Ooh!" Po moaned in pure amazement as the sibling looked at the grand room. At the end of the hall, tall bookshelves filled with scrolls were seen, and a large number of candles surrounded a small pool directly underneath a giant, intricate golden dragon statue.

The hallway leading to the pool was decorated with memorabilia from various Kung Fu masters from different periods.

"What? Po, Where are we?" Fang said, standing beside her brother, who was geeking out to himself as she looked around the room, quickly taking note of some of the weapons she spotted around the room.

"The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way! Fang, look at this place!" Po responded as he looked around, unquestioningly reaching for his sister's paw and, upon finding it, held her paw tightly in excitement as he slowly walked with Fang and looked around the room in awe.

Po then quickly spots a brownish-red rhino rhino-suit of studded armor with yellow and red accents, causing the panda to gasp before he runs up to it, dragging his sister, who looks at the armor slightly curious about it.

"Master Flying Rhino's armor. With authentic battle damage!" Po shouted as he marveled at the armor, to which Fang hummed as she looked at the armor, not as excited or marveled at the armor as her brother.

Her eyes naturally drift off the armor as she looks around before spotting a rather famous artifact.

"Ohh." Fang hummed as she walked toward the weapon's artifact, a long sliver blade with a green etching of a roaring Chinese dragon on the side of its blade as it was held on the pedestal.

"The sword of heroes..." Fang whispered quietly to herself as she looked up at the sword, intrigued as she crossed her arms while she taped her finger against her muzzle as she stared.

Po turns and sees Fang eyeing the ancient sword, causing the panda to gasp in awe.

"Whoa... It's the The Sword of Heroes! Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking— OW!" Po quickly explained before he felt himself being cut on his finger as he shook his finger that he swore was cut and sucked it.

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