The Tournament

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"Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry." Po said under his breath as he squared through the patrons sitting at their tables enjoying their noodles. Po walked with two bowls of noodles in his paws.

As he moved his large stomach, he accidentally moved a table a bit where a customer was seated.

"Sorry!" Po shouted, startled, "Hey, watch it, Po!" A disgruntled pig said as he elbowed Pos's stomach away from his area of space, causing a certain Caracal's ears to perk up.

"Guo! Try that again with my brother and I'll personally kick you out of here MYSELF!" Shouted Fang as she leaned over the counter, letting out a low, thundering growl from her throat as she bared her sharp, pointy teeth.

Her long, fluff, pointed ears were pinned to her head as she looked at him wide-eyed.

Tilting her head slightly, Fang dug her thick hooked black claws into the counter's wood, holding up her silver dagger in her other paw at the disgruntled pig a few feet away.

"Epp?!" Guo squealed as he leaned away, his back hitting the table harshly. He looked frightened at Fang.

"Fang! Calm down!" Mr. Ping said as he rushed over and leaped onto the counter and lightly pushed his much taller big cat of a daughter by her shoulders back into the kitchen; he nervously chuckled as he waved at the regular customers, who weren't surprised at seeing Fang like this.

"Sorry. Suck it up!" Po apologized to Guo, who started to shake as he looked at Fang being dragged back into the kitchen before the panda sucked in his stomach, which caused his puff tail to be pushed into a rabbit mothers bowl of noodles that troubled over and crashed into the other four bowls of noodles of the female rabbit's children.

"Oh!" the bunny mother yelped in shock, causing her four children to cry and whimper at the loss of the food they had just eaten.

Po quickly turned around and spotted the disgruntled bunny mother and her four crying children. "Sorry. A thousand pardons." Po sincerely apologized.

Fang sighed from her spot in the kitchen at her brother's accident as she face-palmed herself. She quickly grabbed five fresh bowls of regular noodles from the side of the cauldron and leaped over the counter before quickly scurrying towards the table.

"Here you go, ma'am. It's on the house," Fang said calmly as she set down the new bowls in front of the single mother and her children.

She gathered the knocked-over bowls, which caused the children to snap out of their crying fit and brighten up at the sight of their new food.

"Oh, Thank you, dear." The bunny said gratefully to Fang before she quickly looked down and dug into her coin purse. Then, she handed Fang two silver cowrie shells into her tan-colored paws, causing Fang to smile a bit more as she looked at the older bunny.

Suddenly, a gong was banged. "What?" Po said, startled. Some people, including Po and Fang, looked over to see three animals that served the Jade Palace hanging up a bright red poster with five blacked-out silhouettes of the five against a golden circle background. One of the Jade workers had a mini gong in their hoofs before they quickly departed.

Upon seeing the five familiar silhouettes, Po quickly rushed over to examine them closely. He read the poster and quickly became excited at what he saw: "Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today?!" Po said to himself with uncontrolled excitement.

He quickly Sets down noodle bowls on an empty table before Turning to the restaurant.

"Everyone! Everyone! Go to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is going to get the Dragon Scroll!" Po shouts as he gestures toward the shop's entrance, causing some patrons to quickly get up and excitedly run out.

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