Chapter 28

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Martina:Eh yes , But i understand if you don't want to bec-

Jorge:"I would love to"

*I see a glimb of her smile. And she sines me to come inside. She helps me with my jacket and hangs it up. Together we walk to the livingroom. And sat down*


Jorge:Do you have new medecins?

Martina:Eh no, It will.. The pain is just for a while


Martina:Ehm, Maybe I better won't ask this. But ehm. Has stephie told you what she said to me?


Martina:Ah. I was scared you guys broke-up because of me. Not that that ehm.. would happen

Jorge:What did she say then?

Martina:I eh.. Will tell you another time

Jorge:Ah, and Peter?


Jorge:Yes peter

Martina:Oh eh..we just have a pause in our ..relationship

Jorge:Oh really? I thought he went to his family

Martina:Hmyes he is, But I know that he knows something that he hides for me

Jorge:You think that he knows that we..

Martina:"Yes, Yes I think so"

Jorge:Oh, But he loves you. It will come fine

Martina:Even if i want to, He never will again

Jorge:Why not?

Martina:Nothing. Some things..i Just can't tell you

Jorge:I understand

Martina:I go to my room, Checking if Mechi is home

Jorge:"Good night"

Martina:"Good night"

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