Chapter 52

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"So it is a yes?" He asks again

"Welleh yeah. It isn't that romantic I mean..No ring and..yeah you know" I shuckle

"Hold on" he said. He removes his ring from his finger and showed it to me "my father asked my mom with this ring. And also my grandparents did"

"But Jorge. Why so fast? You're shure about it that you give that ring to me??"

"Yes. May I?"

"Eh" I gave him my hand. And he slowly puts the ring on my finger. It is from gold. With 3 little diamonds in it. But the spirit around the ring makes it special. He looks into my eyes. And they sparkle from happiness

"May I kiss you?" He asks nervously

"Y-yes" I respond shy because this is a little too much for me. He took a step closer to me. And kissed my neck and slowly went to my lips. ~delightful~

"I love you" he smiles

"But I love you more"

~he kissed me again. And slowly lays his hands on my stromach and I just can feel his smirk while we kiss

"3 weeks" I sigh

"And I can't wait" he smiles to me

"Me neither" I respond. I stare at my ring and feel now again so happy "I'm going to tweet this"

Twitt: Soon as possible Martina Blanco {picture on the media}

"Shall we go out tonight?" He asks

"Yes shure" I resond

"I guess I know who we can take with us"

"Who? Lodovica?" I ask. He nodded to me

"It is a long time ago" he respond

"Yeah that's true. I will call her"

"Okay. Than I will continue our room so it is done tomorrow

"Okay. Love you"

"Love you more"



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