How you met.

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Here's a backstory: As the kids in your school were getting evacuated, you, unfortunately, were assigned to go on a plane with the boys in the book. You ended up being the only girl. The plane crashed, and things went on pretty much the way you'd remember them going in the book.

Ralph: You heard the sound of the conch and went to check it out, since it was pretty strange that anyone would have an instrument that blows that loud on a place like that. You ended up catching his attention during the name-taking since you were the only girl. He approached you and you talked a bit before the choir arrived.

Jack: Jack didn't really notice you during the first meeting, being more focused on Ralph and all. You ended up talking to each other on the second day there, when things started settling and he finally noticed you.

Roger: He sat next to you on the plane. He didn't talk much, but you've already known him as the 'quiet choir boy' since you went to church every Sunday with your grandparents and have already talked to him a few times during bible studies (that both your families forced you to go to). He was also in the same class as you and you've been put on some group projects together, so you already knew him to a certain level.

Simon: You always helped out at church during services, so you met him through there and you guys had always been pretty close friends after that. He was a grade below you, so you didn't talk much anywhere outside church or during recess but it wasn't like that stopped you from being like siblings.

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