chapter 4 ☆

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After my talk with Bella yesterday, she asked me to meet again this morning.

I got up at 8am as she told me that we'll discuss things this morning at a cafe which was near my hotel.

I headed down to the ground floor and walked a few blocks away.

As I said, the cafe wasn't far.

When I reached my destination, I spotted Bella getting out of a taxi.

I walked to her and greeted Bella with a simple wave.

She noticed me and showed a subtle smile before talking, "Let's head inside?"

I gave her a nod and we made our way to the table in the corner.

Bella had asked the waiter to place us in a table away from the crowd.

I understood why she did that since we were going to talk about a confidential matter.

"I'll get straight to the point.", Bella placed her palm on her lap.

"Obviously, you can't just approach Carlos and ask him if he wants to hook up. So, you'll have to start getting close to him slowly.", she stated.

"And how will I do that?", I asked curiously.

"You'll go to a Grand Prix later in the afternoon. I got you some VIP Paddock passes so that you can go close to the Drivers.", Bella explained the strategy I'll be following.

"Hopefully you'll be able to meet Carlos and make him be interested in you."

"Okay, I think I can do that.", I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have some knowledge in Formula 1?", Bella asked me as she got nervous thinking I didn't know a thing about it.

I watched a race on my television once and even researched about how the sport worked since I wanted to know more about my bestfriend's boyfriend.

"Yea, I watched a race at home before.", I said as she showed relief.

"Thank you so much for helping me out, Mila.", Bella reached out of my hand and held it.

"I'm your bestfriend, Bel. Of course I'll help you out even if you would want me to murder someone for you.", I chuckled.

"Really? You would do that?", Bella showed me a big grin.

My expression dropped, "What?"

"I'm just joking, don't worry.", She let out a laugh.

"Hey, remember when you were talking about that one fashion brand you wanted to model for but you weren't able to make the cut?", Bella asked.

"Yea? What about it?", I wondered why she brought it up.

"Well, since you'll help me out.. Maybe I can hook you up."

My eyes were filled with sparkles, "You'd do that?"

"Think of it as a payment.", Bella's voice screamed happiness.

I squealed with delight, "Thank you!! Thank you, Bel!"

She giggled at my words due to how happy I sounded.

. . .

It was time for me to go to the Grand Prix.

I took a train to the venue and made sure to wear some cute clothes as per Bella's request.

All I felt at that exact moment is nervousness.

I didn't know what to expect and I wasn't sure if I will or will not make a mistake.

I got out of the train once I reached my destination after hours of travelling.

This is my first in-person Grand Prix but I made sure to do a lot of reseach before going here.

Since I had VIP Paddock passes, it was easy to go in and I was able to stay in the Paddock itself.

I went through a passage way just for VIPs and got inside.

All of my surroundings were beautiful.

There was definitely a lot of people everywhere.

I followed the signs located around the track and eventually found the right place.

Since I wasn't very familiar with where to go, Bella told me that there will be someone who'll assist me.

I looked around to find the blonde female wearing a Ferrari shirt that Bella has informed me about.

Her name is Vivian, a worker in Ferrari who'll be guiding me in my journey here.

While I was looking towards my left, I felt a hand on my right shoulder.

"You must be Milana Gray?", A blonde girl with curls in her hair told me.

"Ah, yes. Are you Vivian?", I gave her a smile.

"That's me! I'm here to familiarize you with the Paddock and Track, but don't worry, I won't be following you around the whole time you are here.", Vivian explained to me.

"Thank you so much.", I said to her.

Vivian pointed towards a door and gestured for me to go inside.

I followed her lead while inspecting the atmosphere.

The walls were painted in red and was filled with logos.

"This is the garage.", Vivian uttured, leading me inside.

We passed throught the back door and made our way to the front.

There were pictures of their drivers everywhere.

While we were walking around the pitstop area, I noticed a very familiar face.

It was him.

The Carlos Sainz.

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