➽Chapter 3

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Yuqi- okay so I think that's it? That's the principal office good luck

Y/n- thanks *cold voice*

You enter the principal office and when he saw you, he quickly bowed (he knows you are a mafia and he works for you)

Mr. Choi- Mrs. Lee, it's nice to meet you again, you are all grown up *smile*

You nodded coldly

Y/n- may I have my schedule please?

Mr. Choi- of course...here you go

He handed you your schedule and tour first class was math

'Out of all subject why MATH?!!! How did I get so unlucky!'

Y/n- thank you

You said in a cold voice
You went out of is office and you reached your class

You knocked on the door 3 times and it opened showing a woman in her 40s wearing glasses and teaching Math (obviously)

Mrs. Young- oh you must be the new student, please come in...

You enter the classroom only to see the whole class looking at you

Boy 5- hey! That's the hot girl we saw outside the Uni!

A boy yelled causing everyone to start fangirling or fanboying over you

Mrs. Young- shhhh! All of you should close your mouth if you don't want detention! Now...you can introduce yourself

Y/n- hmm...Lee Y/n 17... *cold*

You said coldly

Mrs. Young- huh...a-anything else?

Y/n- oh yes! Don't mess with me

You warned making them shiver

Mrs. Young- so class...do you have any questions to ask her?

Girl 10- do you have a boyfriend?

Y/n- yes I have...

You said coldly and the boys hope of being yours where shattered

Boy 7- why is it always hot girls that are already taken! *mumble*

You heard it but ignored it

Boy 17- do you have a dad?

Y/n- I'm gonna ignore this question

Erica- lmao!!! She's fatherless!!!! *laugh*

Nobody laughed at her joke cause they knew how it feels to lost a dad

Erica- ugh, you guys are no fun

Mafia heartless step brothersWhere stories live. Discover now