Chapter one: New home and new members. (pt.1)

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GingerBrave had zero idea where they were running off to all he knew was shadow milk grabbed him by the hand and ran off.

Eventually they landed in front of a black and blue tent.

"Wher- where are we?" GingerBrave asked.

"Your new home!" Shadow milk exclaimed.

"Yes! You will live here now! And be a part of my team! But... You are missing something..." Shadow milk said.

"Aha! I know what you're missing! An outfit!" Shadow milk said

"And we could even give you a new name! No.... A CIRCUS NAME!" Shadow milk beamed.

"Huh!?" Everything was going way too fast for GingerBrave

"Here! Take this! After all I CAN'T just turn down a chance to spice things up!" Shadow said as he handed GingerBrave a black and blue colored jelly.

"What does this do?" GingerBrave asked.

"There is more to self defense than just your bare hands! So I'm giving you some of my power! Because I simply want you to defend yourself against potential threats!" Shadow said further extending his hand.

GingerBrave hesitantly took the jelly and put it up to his mouth but before he took a bite.

"Just a little warning.. this might have some small side effects." Shadow milk added.

Whatever side effects it may be it couldn't be that bad... Right?

GingerBrave popped the jelly into his mouth. He chewed it then swallowed it.

Everything was fine for a while. But then he collapsed, the side of his face began to hurt.

Tears streamed down on his face. But eventually he felt someone take him in and sit him down.

"Here! Take a break here! And when you're feeling better go right on and take a look in the mirror!" Shadow milk exclaimed before handing him his candy cane and leaving.

Now where was he. Ah yes! The fallen prince he needed to find him. Luckily however... He just happened to know where he could be thanks to the strong smell of dark chocolate.

Rustling could be heard in the bush. Of course dark Choco turned around quickly to locate the noise.

All he found was a little kid with a blue and black color scheme and a jester hat. But they held a sword. It was blue and black and most of all..... It had an eye on it.

"Ah dear fallen prince.. I've been looking for you." The cookie exclaimed.

"What is it that you want from me!?" Dark Choco demanded.

"I just want you to join me! I even got this sword in advance!" The cookie said holding out the sword ready for him to take.

"And the catch? There is a catch, correct?" Dark Choco asked.

"Well.. there are side effects but it'll be temporary! I just want you to be a part of our small team!" They answered.

"Small team..?" Dark Choco questioned.

"Yes! A small team! But we really do need a few more members.. But you can fill that slot! We just need a certain someone who knows their way with swords! We need YOU, Dark Choco cookie! Please don't let us down like your Father!" The cookie finally finished off.

Dark Choco took his hood off before staring down the sword tempted by the offer.

Eventually he took the sword accepting the offer.

It hurt a little but shadow milk did lead him into the circus tent where he saw a smaller cookie with a nighttime cap and half of his face was covered by a mask and most of all...

he had a cape with fur on the top and the bottom.

"Welcome to your new home! Where you can experience more love than your actual family gave you!" The cookie beamed.

The other cookie waved at him.

"Make yourself at home! And feel free to think of a circus name!" The cookie waved and floated away.

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