Wisdom of Age

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Author's Note: So I found a book of story starters at a local store, and thought I'd try some. To give credit, the book is called Complete the Story. I'll put the actual prompt in italics. There's some good inspiration here, but I like these for when I'm feeling in between chapters and just stuck. 

Not really sure if there'll ever be any more to this story, but here you go. It's not super fleshed out. Mind the triggers.

TW: Grief, loss, drunk driving

"The wisdom of old age is a curse and a blessing. So many things I would do again, for the pleasure or for redemption. If I could turn a dial and go back, the first thing I would is submit to my Alpha."

"Your Alpha, Nonna?" her granddaughter's teenaged voice asked innocently.

"Yes, Precious. My Alpha."

"Wasn't Nonno your Alpha?"

"He was, and I was very lucky to have met, mated, and love your Nonno, but we weren't fated mates."

Thinking back to her first coming out and the young, brash Alpha she'd met for a brief time, she let a wistful smile cross her lips.

Like most teenagers, they'd thought the world was theirs. She hadn't wanted to mate so young, and he and their families had indulged her.

For months, her Alpha had wooed her until one weekend, he hadn't shown up for a lunch date. Instead, later that day, she'd opened the door to find his parents with tears streaming down their cheeks.

He'd been driving to pick up her next courting gift when his car had been t-boned by a drunk driver. He'd died instantly.

Their lack of mating bites meant her Alpha had been gone for hours, and she hadn't known.

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