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[Stubborn, pale eukaryote...]


Heart gained consciousness around thirty minutes after Mind had cornered him. He wasn't sure what happened, other than feeling something cold slam down onto his head.

Disoriented, he attempted to feel around to grasp what his surroundings were. The place was cold, and assumed to be dark since he couldn't detect any lighting-


Mind had bound him to something. Heart could tell he was in a chair, presumably made of wood..or metal..Not too important.

Heart's wrists had been tied down onto the chairs armrests, his ankles to the chair legs, and his wings had been clamped together to prevent much mobility.

(Helloooo? Mind? Soul? Where am I? Why's it cold?...Anyone?) He called out, to no response. His voice didn't echo, so he was probably still in the general area of the headspace, and not Apathy.


It's been a few hours. Heart's starting to panic. He's alone with his thoughts. Bad thoughts. With little to no way to obstruct or divert. Just silly little daydreams about being warm in bed, with no care...none at all...






(Oh...Where is he?)

Mind didn't seem to respond as an audible click of a lock was heard during the silence between the pair.

Mind walked over to Heart, and gently..oh so gently..caressed the boy's cheek with his mechanical hand. Heart leaned into the touch hesitantly. He knew Mind had planned to slaughter him earlier, like some runt of a litter, but he wanted the tiniest bit of comfort offered—


Mind hit him. He hit him. Hard.

Heart let out a yelp, and recoiled. His cheek stung from the harsh strike. Before he could even retaliate, yet another was delivered. And another, and another, and another...

Heart had managed to quickly swivel his head fast enough to bite down on the hand. That was a mistake though. He clamped down onto the cold, hard metal that was Mind's hand.

As Heart retracted himself, he felt something hard fall in his mouth. He immediately spat it out, and felt a small hole in his gums where a tooth should be.

[Well, you've made this a lot easier for me I suppose, Juno.] Mind drawled, and the sound of tools being shuffled around ensued. A hushed whine came from Heart's throat. He hated the name "Juno." Hated it. Detested, even.

Mind walked closer to Heart once he found a tool to his liking, and pried Heart's mouth open. He knowded the missing tooth, and gently caressed the empty space it provided.

(Ah!) Heart blurted, and attempted to retract himself away from the metal man. Mind's iron grasp on Heart's jaw tightened.

[Stay still, you vile parasite. I'm making us whole..You want that, right?] Mind proclaimed, stroking Heart's cheek with his thumb.

Heart could do little other than let out sounds that attempted to sound like words. Mind forcing his mouth to stay open stiffly let any room to really communicate verbally.

An odd pressure was put onto one of Heart's teeth, and slowly twisted. Heart let out screams, and thrashed about as much as the restraints let him. This proved to make his predicament worse as his tooth came out, root and all. Mind let out a noise of disgust as he looked at the tooth.

[A cavity? Really? Soul told you to stop eating so many sweets.] Mind remarked, and pulled out another tooth. He gazed at the bloodied bone in the pliers, taking in the yellow-ish hue and the rough root that came along with it.

Mind set the tooth down on a tray, and went for a molar. He clasped the tool on one in the far back of Heart's mouth, and slowly twisted the tooth out of place. Heart let out strangled screams and, what Mind considered, pathetic attempts at flailing or trying to distance himself from Mind.

With a swift yank on the tooth, Mind wrenched the silver-capped molar out. Part of the crown was cracked, and there was evident plaque building up on the grooves the cap had to fit the tooth snugly.

Mind smiled cruelly, or as much as his face plates would let him, as he thought about what to do with the revolting bone. He gazed at Heart's open mouth, and back at the tooth.

Carefully positioning the pliers in Heart's mouth, tooth still in clutch, and jostled it down his throat. Heart let out curdled screams as, primarily the metal, was forced down his esophagus like vegetables he didn't want to eat from his dinner plate.

Mind reveled in Heart's squealing and shrills for him to stop. It felt astounding to see the being he thought to be useless, childish, vile, to be screaming and retching like a helpless runt under and axe.

The pair of pliers was pulled out once Mind felt like the tooth was deep enough, leaving Heart coughing and gasping as the tooth was partially in his trachea thanks to Mind's not so careful handling of his tools. He kept coughing until he hacked up the tooth, shooting it onto the floor past Mind. Heart took a deep breath as air entered his lungs once more.

That was, until he felt a pulling force on his inflamed gums. Heart writhed as he felt the cool air hit his progressively more exposed canines. He attempted to bite at the metal hand inflicting such cruelties on him, to no avail as his teeth did little to even dent the metal.

The gums slowly coming off in tiny, tacky pieces reminded him of gummy candies that Heart would usually have a bag stashed somewhere in the headspace. It was a delectable sight to behold, really. He went for the tongue next, prodding and tugging at it until the slimy muscle finally ripped out.

Mind gently took down Heart's satin blindfold, and shoved the clammy and bloodied thing into one of the eyeless sockets. Heart let out a yelp of discomfort, and could hardly do anything but scream and squirm as Mind continued to try and shove the detached muscle further and further into his scarred cavity. The thick, purple blood of Heart's oozed down his cheek like jam.

(STOOOAH!) Heart screamed as he felt like his teeth were being drilled into the nerves, or filed down by the hands that he once trusted.

The rest of it was a blur for Heart. The most he remembered beyond that point was Mind pulling out a dremel, forcing his chin upwards, and drilling into his repulsive teeth. Heart swore he could feel bits of broken teeth slide down his throat as if they were pills.

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