Absolute Bliss

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As you're making your way up the few steps to your front door, you can't wait to finally be home with your fiancé. Sam was back from promo interviews and a photoshoot down in London the last few days, but you had spent all afternoon and evening celebrating one of your best friends' birthday. You two only had a quick ten minutes together before it was time for you to leave. And as you unlock the door and quietly step inside your home, you cannot wait to spend the rest of the weekend in your own little bubble, at home with the love of your life.

Quickly putting your keys into the decorative bowl and taking of your heels, you begin to make your way towards the living room. Expecting Sam to have spend his evening there. To your surprise, all the lights are turned off except for the one in the hallway where you're currently still standing. The man of the house nowhere to be found.

You check the time on your phone and note that it's only just gone past 10pm. For both of you, that's a fairly early bedtime, especially during the weekend. Strange, you think to yourself, as you turn towards the stairwell and make your way upstairs.

As soon as you step into the bedroom, a smile forms on your face and you're itching to close the distance between you and Sam.

He's sprawled out on his side of the mattress. Only clad in his black boxer briefs, the thin blanket covering his torso. One hand next to his head as the other one rests on his chest, ever so gently rising with his relaxed breathing. You can even hear him softly snore.

Both of your bedside lamps, as well as the floor lamp by the window are turned on and plunge the entire room in a soft yellowy-golden light. This is the definition of bliss, you think. And you almost don't want to disrupt it, but being away from Sam for almost a week helps you make up your mind. You take the few steps towards the bed and carefully sit down next to his peacefully sleeping form. Reaching your left hand up into his soft hair, you brush some of the strands away and admire his handsome face. Starting to cares his face and slowly down his neck, your touch has the desired effect and Sam begins to stir and wake up. As your hands come to a stop on his naked chest, he carefully opens his eyes and lets out a sleepy groan

"Hhmmm...Y/N/N" a smile instantly forms on his face and as he wakes up more he moves the hand next to his head and engulfs your fingers in his.

"Fuck, what time is it? I was gan wait up for you"

"God you're so fucking cute" you mumble to yourself as you can't hide the grin and blush his statement sparks in you

"It's quarter past ten or something, not very late yet. I'm honestly surprised you're in bed already" you tease him.

He looks at you, slightly offended but you know he's only levelling up to your teasing.

"Aye, a've been on the train all day, after a week of promo. Give us a break reet" he challenges you with a spark in his eyes, but you can see the lack of sleep and exhaustion clear on his face. And honestly, you're just as ready to get into bed and have a restful night's sleep.

"Alright" you say as you squeeze his hand and stand up "I'll quickly get ready so we can sleep".

Before you're out of reach Sam playfully slaps your bum and sends you off into the direction of the adjacent bathroom. You quickly brush your teeth and clean your face after taking off your makeup, and not even 10 minutes later you emerge in only your knickers and bra, discarding the latter as you make your way to bed. Sam looks slightly more awake now and he eagerly opens his arms for you as you finally re-take your rightful place next to him. As soon as your head hits the pillow, Sam pulls the blanket up around you and turns your body into his side. Your head in the crook of his neck and half resting on his chest, one leg thrown over his. You lazily run your fingers over the soft patch of hair and start playing with his necklace that is perched atop. And you feel Sam start stroking his fingers through your silky hair absentmindedly, his other hand drawing patterns on your arm, your back. Every part of your soft skin that's in reach for him. And you just lie there for a few minutes. No words being spoken. You're just enjoying and re-familiarizing yourselves with the other.

Being away from each other because of Sam's job is always hard, and over the last four years you've learned how to manage those times. But after spending almost an entire year with Sam at home because he had taken a break and just used that time to write and record, and him asking you to marry him just a few months ago, this week apart was harder than it ever felt before.

"Hope you had a good time tonight" he nuzzles softly into your hair

"It was lovely! The food was so good, Rachael made the birthday cake of course. She's such a genius" you both chuckle at that, thinking back to all the tasty cakes, cupcakes and desserts she had conjured up over the years. "And Evie loooved the present we got for her. She actually couldn't believe we'd all chip in for a trip to Venice this summer"

Sam plants a loving kiss onto your skin before he responds

"She's really got the best friends aye" to which you lift your head up so you can look at him

"Guess she does aye" your voice gets softer as you mimic him and for a moment you just look at each other.

Sometimes you can't believe you actually get to grow old and spend your life with Sam. You both grew up in Shields, being around the same friendship groups you have basically known each other all your lives. But once Sam started music and his career took off you'd never expected him to be interested and wanting to spend his life with someone from his small hometown.

But Sam always thinks he's the lucky one. Never in a million years did he think he'd get to make music and have the most amazing and beautiful girl he's ever known fall in love with him, and wanting to be with him despite his crazy work.

He gently cups your face in his hand and pulls you towards him. Leaving a soft peck at the corner of your mouth, he finally closes the distance all the way and presses his soft lips firmly onto yours. You sink into the kiss and move your hand from his chest around to the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. A soft groan leaves your lips and Sam uses the moment to dip his tongue into your mouth, softly nip at your lip before breaking the kiss completely. Still dazed you just whine at the loss of contact and open your eyes to look at him

"I love you so much" he looks back at you so sincerely and full of love. You can feel that familiar flutter in your belly that he always seems to elicit.

"I love you so much Sammy" you connect your lips with his again, needing him to feel how much you adore him. As you pull apart after a while, you tuck your head back into the crook of his neck and nuzzle as close into him as possible. Turning off the light and casting the two of you into darkness, Sam thinks back to the events of his day and how lucky he is that he gets to come home to you. Absolute bliss. For the rest of his life.

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