Birthday Surprise

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It's 11:57pm on April 24th and my friends and family are gathered around me to ring in my 30th birthday at midnight. I don't always need to have the biggest party or festivities, but you only turn 30 once, and honestly, roughly ten years ago I wasn't even sure if I would make it till here.

"Thank you all so much for coming eeh, big 30 aye!" I laugh awkwardly, but most of my friends are drunk enough that they just cheer and clap along. "I ceenot wait for this year like. We've got some great things cooking! 30's gonna be great!" I shout into the room, shortly being joined by Dean, Joe, Tom and Jimmy. We've all got our arms thrown around each other's shoulders, beers in hand.

"Alreet alreet" Dean shouts over the party commotion "We've only got a few seconds left now. 5,4..."

"3,2,1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!" everybody in the room joins in and as the clock rings in my special day, Rachael emerges with a big cake that's shaped like my face. Candles and sparklers atop and I happily accept it.

As is tradition, Dean smacks some cake into my face, we drink a shot together and I'm being pulled into hugs by everyone. My mam, my brother, my girlfriend...

And once the excitement has quieted down a bit and people start eating the cake and refilling their drinks, Y/N stands in front of me. The last person to congratulate me.

"Happy Birthday" she tells me with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes I notice. We share a quick hug but she looks as if she wants to disappear as soon as I let go of her. But talking to her seems to halt her in her spot and she looks up at me

"It's really good to see yer" I tell her with a genuine smile. She's one of my dearest friends and also the last person I was in love with. Unfortunately, we had to learn the hard way that moving from a friendship into a relationship doesn't always end well. But luckily, we managed to save and salvage what we had before and are now able to be friends again.

"Yeah, you too" she replies softly. She's been really quiet and reserved all evening. She's barely gotten a word out, keeping mostly to herself even though we share the same group of friends and most of them are here tonight.

"I hope.." "I'm.." we both speak at the same time and I awkwardly rub the back of my neck "Sorry, you go ahead"

"Oh, ehm, I was just saying I'm gan find Rachael and try some of that cake" she says while she's already turning away, not being able to leave my side fast enough it seems.

"Aye, I hope you're doing well and we can hang out again soon" I just mumble the rest of my previous thought to myself.

Before I can let Y/N's strange demeanor get to my head, I spot my brother and his long-time partner in conversation with my girlfriend. Or better, the girl I've been seeing for the past 3 months that's not really my girlfriend because we're not officially together, but we're dating and having a good time together so I can't just call her a fling either. And she was very adamant on being here tonight, so I'm glad she's getting along with my family too.

About two hours later I see Y/N saying goodbye to Tom and Heidi as well as my mam, before she just waves at the boys and leaves them with a "Bye guys, see yous soon" to which they all smile and wave back, Joe shouting a departing "get home safe".

She finally spots me and makes her way over

"Saving the best till last I see" I tease her, which elicits only a small tug at her lips. So I really can't even make my friend smile anymore. With nothing at all apparently. Hm.

"You're leaving already?" I ask because tonight felt as if she wasn't even really here and as the night gets longer the crowd gets smaller and it usually only leaves my closest inner circle. Which she is part of and I would've loved to spend some more time with her, actually talk to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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