What's Meant To Be

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You're still sulking and thinking over everything that's happened in the past hour. You had been on the phone to Elliot, the guy you had been dating for the past three months. You couldn't say he was the love of your life yet but you really liked him and had developed feelings for him. You were ready and expecting to become his girlfriend. But he seemingly wasn't on the same page. Apparently, he's "just not sure if I'm feeling the vibes between us and I'm just not available for anything more at the moment" as he tried to reason with you over the phone. You had just accepted it and tried to keep it cool. But as soon as he ended the call you had thrown yourself onto your sofa, tears already escaping you and trying to figure out where it went wrong again. You had gone on numerous great dates together over the past months, you had even met some of his close friends, and he yours. You two had gotten to know each other more and everything seemed to be good and fitting.

"So I guess it's me then isn't it?" you had wondered out loud, before you had to get up and get ready for a night out with your friends. The night where Elliot was supposed to join and meet your entire group of close friends. You aren't fully sure if you're up for a night down at the pub, but canceling and having to explain why doesn't sound appealing either.

You're still so distracted and in your own head while putting your necessities for tonight into the small purse, the doorbell startles you and you throw your lip balm across the carpet. "Fuck's sake" you curse under your breath as you try to see where it rolled off to.

"It's me Y/N/N, open up, ceemon!" you hear Sam shout from outside.

"Just come in" you shout back. On any other day you'd be overjoyed to see Sam, welcoming him with open arms. But today is pretty shit already and small things like losing your bloody lip balm can really set you off.

You hear his key in the lock and just a few seconds later he's making his way over to you, appearing in the doorway.

"Hello" he says enthusiastically. But as soon as you straighten up and turn to him, his expression falls.

"What's the matter?" he asks with concern clear on his face. Taking a couple steps closer to inspect you for any injury or sign of discomfort, he comes up short and just looks back up into your face.

"I...It's just not a great day for me" you frown. Not able to hold his gaze for long you turn back to your task at hand. Putting your wallet and the reemerged lip balm into the bag and zipping it up, you still try your hardest to avoid Sam's worried form.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just go so I can get some drinks in me, aye"

You rush past him and into the foyer to put your shoes on. You thought you might be in the clear now, with Sam not asking any more about it. But clearly you were wrong, and his next words make you pause what you're doing.

"Where's Elliot then?" and all you can do is sigh, trying to not get emotional again. But after a few seconds of silence Sam still doesn't let up

"Y/N?". Pause, and you can hear him shuffling closer. You know he's not done yet.

"What happened" he asks in a very calm but demanding tone. And you know you can't lie to him now. And he won't let you both leave before you tell him. Taking a deep breath you say quietly "He's not coming." With your head down you slowly turn towards your friend and continue "He phoned earlier, saying he's not ready for this and he ain't got time to try and make things work".

And in an instant, Sam has his arms around you in a bear hug, running a hand over your back for comfort. And as he pulls away again he's searching your face, looking at you intently.

"A'm so sorry this happened. He seemed like a good lad". Sam was one of the people that had met Elliot already. And it really seemed as if he'd fit right into the group and into your life.

"Yea, he really did. So why does this keep happening Sam?" you ask out of pure frustration.

"I keep meeting guys and everything seems to go well. Until it becomes more serious. Am I really that hard to commit to?" you ask him directly now. You're fed up with seemingly just being the placeholder until men find their actual long-term partner. Or even their soulmate. You just go from dating, to being single, to trying to go on dates again just so you can be disappointed all over again.

"Yer know that's not true!"

"It sure feels like it though" your voice gets louder now as you huff at him. You know it's not his fault and he doesn't deserve to be shouted at, but your emotions are running overboard today and if you can't shout at every man that has ever strung you along and mistreated you, you'll just have to take Sam as substitute instead.

"I'm either the single friend or the one that gets screwed and then screwed over by every guy that promises he cares about me!"

"Haway now, don't do that! You're amazing and it's definitely not your fault if they cannot see that" he's trying to end your self- destructing rant. He hates whenever you think so little of yourself and don't understand that these guys are just blind and dumb idiots who could never treat you the way you deserve.

"I just don't always want to end up alone for fuck's sake! What do I have to do, to have someone fall in love with me. For once at least!"

"You know what? I'm done with you shite talking and belittling yourself!" Sam grabs your arm and pulls you in the direction of the door. His sudden change in tone takes you by surprise and you can't do anything but follow him without a word.

"It wouldn't have worked with Elliot anyways" he says it so casually but it's what finally snaps you out of your trance and makes you halt. Stopping Sam in his tracks as well, as he's still holding onto you gently.

"What?" you ask with a bewildered look on your face.

"And how the fuck do you want to know that Fender?" you ask him with a reignited anger inside you. How dare he comment on the guy you've been seeing, and he has even met. You never say anything about the one-night stands and lasses he brings around for a few weeks, even though it's infuriating to see how well he handles his casual relationships like that. And the fact he still has so many women to go with, and you're struggling to find just one person to stick around.

"Because I've known you for years and I know what you want. I know what you deserve!" he shouts out into the quiet hallway and it shocks you to hear his words.

"I've been dying to try and make you see how much you mean to me. And how good I would be for you" his soft blue eyes are filled with desperation, as well as relief of finally telling you the truth. You've never seen Sam look at you this way.

"What're you...?" you don't have the words to make sense of the whirlwind that's going on inside your mind right now.

"You've never found the right guy because you've never even looked at me like that" he tells you, softer now, and as he steps closer to you, you can see his true emotions staring right at you.

Over the past few years you had been so busy convincing yourself that Sam would never be interest in you, or see you as any more than a friend. That you completely missed the way he so utterly and completely fell in love with you.

He's standing so close to you now that you can feel his breath on your face. Out of the corner of your eye you can see his arm twitch, he's debating with himself whether to make the next move or not. Eventually he moves his hand to your chin and gently lifts it up so you're looking at each other. A few seconds pass, a small smile forms on your face and it's all the reassurance you need to give, for him to close the distance between you and connect his lips with yours. This first kiss is the gentles and most amazing one you've had. It truly feels as if Sam was made for you. He knows exactly what to do and how to turn you into putty with just one kiss or little swipe of his tongue. As you two pull apart you're both breathing heavy and sporting the happiest of smiles on your faces.

"I guess a'll have to give yer a chance then" you say to him with a wink. Taking his hand in yours and intertwining your fingers with his.

He grins at you and places a sweet kiss on your cheek before opening the door for you both

"Let's go so I can finally buy you a drink"

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