Chapter 2

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Lucifer POV

Lilith insisted on having a room close to mine, sucks to be her because I don't technically have a room, I just stay in Al's room (and we normally fuck every few nights I'm there) then she insisted on coming to "her" home, not mine, apparently she gets to disappear and come back then everything's her's.

After she came I just went up to Al's room with Al and we just cuddled and I cried, it had honestly took it's tool, having to keep calm or angry at her when I just wanted to cry, I mean had she come a few months ago, I would've gotten back with her, payed for the child, and not cared about how much of an ass she is.

Alastor's POV

After a few hours Luci fell asleep in my arms, I decided I may as well go to sleep as well.

Lucifer POV

'Where am I?' I thought.

"But I wanna see Dad!" Yelled a muffled voice.
It was Charlie's voice, I remembered this day, Lilith had screwed another guy and locked her, the guy, and Charlie up in the top floor of the castle.

I ran up to the stairs, I ran up them, I tried unlocking the door, it wouldn't work. "Charlie!" I yelled, my voice seemed muffled, like I was underwater.

The scene shifted. This time I wasn't in the dream necessarily, I was viewing a memory.

"He gave the fruit of knowledge to a human!" Argued a saraphin.

"This is the last straw!" Another agreed.

"We should give him another chance!" Argued my sister.

"We cannot overlook this this time," the eldest saraphin said calmly, agreeing with the other two. "Lucifer Morningstar, you are exciled to the place that you've created by giving the fruit of knowledge to Eve, you are going to be imprisoned in hell, as well as Lilith."

"Please!" Past me argued. "Leave her out of this! It was my mistake!"

"I believe this is a sutibal punishment," agreed the first saraphin. "After all, she did have an affair on her husband."

Past me started crying at that. "Please! She doesn't deserve this!" I argued, tears flowing down my cheeks. "It was my mistake!"

"This decision is final," said the eldest adjuring the court.

I woke up at that point. Al's huge grin seeming worried. I realized I had been crying and wiped my tears.

"Are you ok Darling?" Al asked, voice full of concern and worry.

I nodded. "I'm fine....."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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