Chapter One

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Briana felt sweat dripping down her face as she felt herself be thrown up in the air to the music in the background. If she were to be anywhere at that moment, she would be at a competition winning Nationals again. She almost felt like closing her eyes and envisioning that but knowing what she was doing and where she was, she figured it was a bad idea. Instead, she stayed there gasping for breath out of exhaustion but carrying on with her highly difficult routine. Once she did finish, she considered herself to have done rather well but the Cheer coach Sue Sylvester frowned at the group unimpressed.

"You think this is hard?! Try being waterboarded! That's hard!" she announced through her megaphone which almost made them cover their ears but they all figured it was coming whether they wanted to or not.

Not far away from the Football field, Ariana Sallez, Briana's Mother overheard the commission and smiled to herself. She thought the coach was insane but that she loved those kids. Of course, she would never admit it but she knew she wasn't as evil as she made herself out to be.

Moving towards the entrance of the schoolyard, smiling and waving at her current and previous students along the way, she noticed something going on by the dumpster. After years of working at McKinley, she knew this wasn't the typical 'how was your summer?' conversation that had been going on for the past three days. Taking a detour, she figured she'd check it out.

It was a good thing she did too because standing there looking more scared than she'd ever seen him was one of her students, Kurt Hummel. Knowing the rumors that had been going around about him for a while, she figured she knew why he was being thrown in. This was what she couldn't stand about teaching high schoolers......They believed any rumor that came up no matter how crazy it was.

"Gentlemen?" she asked causing the Football players to all look at her as Noah Puckerman looked at her with an innocent smile.

"What's up, Ms. Sallez?" he asked. "Did one of us not turn something in?"

At that, everyone looked at Finn Hudson, who the school knew as the Quarterback looking about ready to laugh in his face.

"Actually, yes. That was one of the things," Ariana said glancing at the boy. "You owe me your report on que hiciste el verano pasado."

"What does that mean?" Finn whispered to one of the Football players who happened to be one of her best students, Mike Chang.

"What did you do last summer?" he translated causing the teacher to nod.

"Thank you for that, Mike! Mr. Hudson. When can I expect your work?"

"By the end of the week," he promised although she wasn't quite sure if he was telling the truth.

"Wonderful!" she said. The Football players started to walk away but she caught them. "There was one more thing I noticed. Puckerman. Davis. What is that you were about to do to Kurt?"

"We were just asking him how his summer went," Puck informed her causing the second boy, Jared Davis, to nod in approval as well as the rest of the team. Ariana sighed.

"I'd hate to give all of you detention for lying and being in on or participating in the harm of another student on the first week of school but I'll do what I have to do." She reached for the detention passes in her pocket about to write down Puck's name when she was stopped.

"Wait!" he said causing her to freeze. "We're sorry for our actions Ms. S. Kurt. We'll never do it again."

"Thank you," she said. The boys looked at her like she was going to put the passes away but she never did. She kept writing each of the names of the boys involved with the harassment.

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