Early awakening.

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Character info :

Y/n ;
Gender : female but anyone is welcome to read
Overall info : Witty, sometimes rarely a bit dumb, agile but true power level unknown, kind (?), smart, a bit sassy, a bit selfish (aren't we all), sometimes cruel (once in a blue moon)
I won't give more information on y/n so I don't spoil you.


A/n : I'm not that good of a writer and it's 4am rn so...you get what I'm tryna say. English isn't my first language
S/n : I have no idea how to write for dark fall so 🤷 this part takes place in chapter 1-2 btw

Wc : around 1k, not proofread

Leon coughs into his fist, trying to regain his surroundings, still a bit disoriented from being blasted into a wall. He can't say he didn't expect this, he knew the second that his subordinates learned of him losing his powers they would turn on him in an instant. Yet, he can't help but laugh.
"What are you trying to gain by doing this ? I have nothing anymore, so just kill me !"
Nergal smirks, and he isn't the only one, as Deus and Mephisto smirk as well. Their smirks are sinister, unsettling, to say the least. Leon raises an eyebrow "What's so funny ?"

Nergal steps up to him ; "You. You are, Leon. Do you really think we'll kill you just like that ? You're way more valuable to us than you think.."

"What do you mean by that ?"

Nergal smirks, "Oh you're so naive, Leon. I'll show you what I mean."
He steps closer to Leon, then crouches down to Leon's eye level, and presses two fingers to Leon's abdomen,

"This. This is what makes you special."

Leon is obviously confused. 'What does he mean by that ? Has he finally gone nuts ??'

(Timeskip cuz u know what happens next. And if you don't know, (spoilers) Leon gets raped by Nergal. If you haven't read Dark Fall then this will be confusing for you so please read it first before reading this)

And all the while Leon is getting non-consensually fucked dumb, you're hiding behind a nearby pillar, hand covering your mouth, fear visible in your eyes. Yep, you guessed it, you're the 'last' woman alive. And yes, you are a demon as well, but not that much of a demon to compare to the others.

You're much kinder than them, helping people without asking for anything back, giving valuable advice, and guiding people.

You're commonly called "the unknown saint/savior" sometimes "the messenger of the divine" and once in a blue moon you're the "wanderer". No one really knows your true identity, or even true appearance, for it always changes.
After all, you have the ability to change forms however you wish, so why not use it to your liking ?

The reason no one knows your true gender is because you always disguise yourself as a man, taking the form of one. Pretty crafty, dontcha think ?

Anyways, back to the present. You slowly look around, careful not to make a noise. The sickening sound of skin slapping against skin makes you lightheaded, yet you brush it off and stay quiet for your own sake. If you get discovered now, it's the end for you..
But you won't let that happen, no, you've gone too far to turn back now.

You breathe in a quiet breathe, and shape-shift into a tiny black cat, then run away on your four paws. The reason you turned into a cat is because you wouldn't be able to pass behind them unnoticed if you took the form of a bigger animal, and the fact that cats are agile, along with being quick and quiet on their feet.

You quickly but quietly pass behind Deus Beryl and Mephisto, extremely cautious not to get caught.

You're insanely lucky Beryl is too occupied with Leon's scent to smell you, but you don't want to test your luck at the moment so you quickly sprint away and run far away from the castle.

You run, run, run, run, run, run, and run, until you can't anymore. You turn back into your true form, panting and heaving, tears pricking your eyes.

'Holy shit, that was a super close call. I shouldn't have snuck into the castle..whatever, let's not dwell on the past for too long.'

You sit down, and materialize wood into your hands, carefully putting down the branches on the ground and then materializing fire in your other hand.
You set the wood on fire, and sit down near it.

There's some upsides to being OP, one of them is that you never struggle with basic stuff, because you can just materialize anything you need in your hands. Yes, gold, diamonds and money as well.

Speaking of, you notice the sun setting.
You sigh, and lay down on the ground near the fire, curling up into a ball and drifting away, to sleep...


[The next day]

You wake up to silence, absolutely not even a single sound. Which isn't very odd but isn't reassuring either.
You yawn, stretching your body. Looks like it's still night, so you still have some time. It seems to be around maybe..4am ? 5am ? You don't know anymore..

Whatever the time is, you get up and take your- Oh right, did i mention that you have a small pouch with you ? It's a void pouch, quite literally. You can store anything inside of it, in however many numbers. Also, if you put your hand in it and think of something you want, it will appear in your hand/pouch.

Yes, you grab your pouch and attack it to your belt/clothes (at hip or waist level), and dust off your clothes. You're wearing a white/black cape, a white/black top, a white/black double slit long skirt paired with thigh high boots (high heeled).

You better get going, quick ! Before the sun rises...

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