Ready or not, here I come

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A/n : AHHHHH wattpad I hate you. I had to rewrite this whole chapter because wattpad wouldn't let me post it. Anyways, rushed and lazy, I wrote this 10 mins before going to a party, not proofread because FUCK YOU WATTPAD

S/n : I listened to KSLV - Override while writing this, also fuck you wattpad.

Wc: 950

So you infiltrate the castle. What a wise decision, one knows what the hell you were thinking, and to be honest neither do you.

Well, what's done is done, better finish the work. You have a shitty sense of direction so you get lost in the castle trying to find Leon's room/wherever the hell he is, also because it's so big. You also ended up stumbling upon the garden but thankfully there was no one there except for some demon plants.

But then it hits you 'bruh I'm so fucking dumb, of course he must be in the dungeon..oh lord grant me some more iq 🙏🏻'

So here you are, walking down the dungeon's seemingly endless spiraling stairs. Rip your knees. Anyways, you stop in the middle for a quick break because all that spiraling was starting to make you lightheaded, but then you continue what you were doing.

'Holy shit, why the fuck are there so many stairs ? I will fucking sue the architect of this place bc wtf..'

After a few minutes of you complaining, you finally reached the end of the stairs aka the hallway where all the dungeon cells are.

You walk down the hallway checking every cell for any trace of a certain golden-haired pomeranian.

To no avail, until you reach the very end of the first hallway. Wow. Awesome.

There is Leon, unconscious on the bed, wearing a white oversized shirt that reminds you of hospital clothes. Except...he's not wearing any pants.

Well, thankfully for both of you, he has a blanket that's covering his lower parts so you don't get flashed.

You phase through the cell door like a ghost going through a wall, and sit down on the ground besides the bed.

'Great, now what ?' You ponder, deadpanning. You infiltrated the castle, navigated through it, reached the dungeon, found his cell, but what's next ? A bit late to realize you don't really have a solid plan..

'What do I do now ? I don't think he'll wake up any time soon, but if I wake him up he'll probably attack me or...even worse, he might think I'm some freak who was watching him sleep...'

The thought makes you grimace as if you ate a lemon raw. 'Nope, not taking that chance. Now is not the time to check if I can fend off a pomeranian'

You stand up and lean over the bed, inspecting his face. You find yourself a bit entranced by his appearance, he's really beautiful. Wow, you may be going back to being straight..

Or maybe not.

You quickly hide under the bed, your heart beating fast. Shit, it's Deus.

'Why the hell does that bastard miraculously appear everywhere I go ?!?'

You hold your breath and do your best to mask your scent, but suddenly you feel the bed shift a little.

You freak out for a short second, before realizing it's just Leon waking up. You don't know whether you should be thankful or not, because it's both a good thing AND a bad thing..

(Skip it's the part in around the chapters 2-3 where Deus goes in and fucks Leon and then Beryl joins too)

All the while Deus and Beryl are busy destroying Leon's hole, (HEHE SEE WHAT I DID THERE 😈 to explain the joke they're destroying Leon's hole both metaphorically and LITERALLY)

You're under the bed, getting goosebumps. Not that you're scared, well yes you're anxious not only because if you get found out they'll do God knows what to you, but also because it would be so fucking awkward if they found you out right now.

Like, they're pumping into Leon's hole and turns out there's a traumatized girl hiding under the bed, listening to everything. (Insert sad hamster sfx  and meme)

That would be so fucking hilarious.

But anyways back to present, while they're busy aggressively fucking the everloving shit out of poor little meow meow(Leon), you're under the bed, absolutely fucking traumatized.

Eyes wide, mouth open n shit. Like it's really that bad. Wow, you wonder how the hell their dicks even fit in their pants because holy shit those chunks of flesh are HUGE bro they took "elephant" literally.

And then you hear that dreaded sound. 'Oh Shit' is all you can think as you hear the sound of something ripping..did they fucking rip his asshole ? Wow. Holy fuck dude.

Damn. You feel hella lucky you're not him.

And to your shock they're still not done basically fucking his brain and insides out. But thankfully Mephisto steps inside the cell to see that atrocity and drags their asses away and then reports them to Nergal which gets them punished.

As soon as you're sure there's no one there except for Leon, you crawl out from under the bed, and sit on the bed where Leon is laying unconscious with blood and cum dripping out of his ass.

You quickly get to work and put your hands on his waist, and right as you do that a glowing blue light glows around your hands and your hair starts floating. In a few seconds, Leon is completely healed, but for your own safety you didn't wake him up.


Your stomach drops as you realize what you're hearing. It's footsteps, particularly footsteps you recognize as Mephisto's..

The Culprit | Dark Fall x reader ! (wip, kinda drabble)Where stories live. Discover now