Ready or not, here they come. (test chapter kinda)

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A/N : I just wanna write a little test draft I'm not sure if I'll post this. I just wrote this because I got bored and i wanna test my imagination

WC: 1k+

Footsteps. Mephisto's footsteps. 'Holy shit cow motherfuck you fucking snot eating monkey why is my luck so cunty'

You use a spell to quickly make yourself invisible, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.

'If I get discovered now I'm gay and I can't feel sexual attraction and I'm infertile'
Aight bet.

Okay but in all seriousness if they find you you'll jut start speaking Spanish or Arabic or Greek or Turkish and pretend you're insane (you are) so they'll leave you alone.
It probably won't even work but at least you would've tried..

You beat down your thoughts with a broom and recompose yourself, standing in the far corner of the room, your hands crossed like those pharaoh statues and mummies. You stay still, suck in a sharp breath and hold it in.

Right when you do that Mephisto steps into the room. He walks over to Leon and inspects his body for injuries but to his surprise there are none.

"Strange, I could've sworn he was injured.."

Then he carries Leon bridal style and walks away.

And you become visible again.

You quietly wait until Mephisto leaves the dungeon and when you're sure he's gone you step out of the cell and run down the hallway, trying to find the exit.

FUCK. Mephisto sealed the dungeon's exit.

Just your luck. That asshole is gonna be the death of you someday.

But thankfully you're a master at keeping your calm so you don't immediately freak out. For around an hour you run around the whole dungeon trying to find another exit, and that's when you find some secret passageway.

You find it purely by accident, as you step on a certain brick/stone and miraculously some hidden camouflaged stone door opens. (Btw the dungeon is made of stone/bricks or sum like that)

And there's a stairway leading downwards. So you decide to test your luck and take that path, going down those stairs. Thankfully though, this time they aren't spiraling.

After about ten minutes of walking down those stairs you reach some kind of LONG dark stone hallway that seems super creepy.

But you don't gaf it's either you rot in the dungeon or take that hallway and you've made your choice long ago.

So you go down the eery hallway that looks like it should belong in the conjuring and oh-so patiently speedwalk for around 3 minutes

Until you reach a dead end.

Just as you're about to start cussing your lungs out the dead end magically turns out to also be some camouflaged secret passageway and it opens.

AND TADA ! you find yourself back in the castle's main hallway.


You start jumping in joy and celebrating your victory, flipping the secret passageway off as it slowly disappears.

But as soon as you turn around you're met with something tall and sturdy (don't you dare make a pun)

You look up and fuck.
Lo and behold there is Mephisto in all his glory, smirking down at you.

"Oh fuck me..." you whine, internally cussing the everloving shit out of everyone you know.

But sike. You won't go down that fast.
And in the blink of an eye you're off, sprinting away like your life depends on it (it does)

And as soon as you turn down the hallway you see Nergal at the end of it. So now you're cornered on both sides.

Mephisto is at the start of the hallway and Nergal is at the end. The hallway doesn't have any windows whatsoever, and you can't go back to the secret passageway because Mephisto is blocking the way.

"Hey uh, look, I swear I can explain !"

You say in a poor attempt at making an excuse. Then you realize..
You're in your original form, which means you very clearly look like a woman, which means they're not here to kill you because they think you're some enemy spy, but they're here to capture you or something

*chuckles* I'm in danger. (Get it ??)

"Damn. Uhhhhh..."

You just stand there in the middle of the hallway, visibly dumbfounded and and not knowing what to do

And shit they're both starting to walk towards you-

"Tudutududu~ commercial break !"

Time seems to pass very slowly as they approach, everything seems to be in slow motion. 'Fuck, what do i do now ?' You think, anxiously.

'I don't know anymore..I feel so lost.' You feel like a prey, vulnerable and exposed, your fight-or-flight reaction already set off

Should you run in a random direction and hope for the best ? Or should you test fate and fight them ? Perhaps even turn invisible ? But if you turn invisible they could still sense you. Plus, you wearing heels doesn't help much so you can't exactly quietly run with them, but if you take them off and leave them here they could track you using your scent and aura. You can't carry them in your arms either because your hands are sweaty and they would slip and fall, plus they would just slow you down.

Well, at least you'll look pretty before dying. SLAYYY QWEENNN !!!! (/j)

They get closer and closer, you speak out again in an attempt to communicate

"Heyy, so um, I swear I wasn't spying on you..and uh, I was definitely not about to pour drugs in your wine supply ! Hehe"

Fuck, you fucked up. By trying not to look suspicious you looked even more suspicious. Great job y/n, you're such a genius 👏

And then you get an idea. 'What if I just break through the wall and run away ?'

Congrats that's the first good idea you've ever had. Anyways, you decide to test fate and luck

you raise your hands in front of you and-

KABOOM !!!!-

A giant hole in the wall, and you don't waste a second. You quickly run away and somehow make it to the dining room. Wow. What a great place to run to. You can see the smoke from the blast dissipating slowly

What you don't see though, is a certain someone right behind you looking down at you, his eyes glowing red.

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