(#WIP) RECOURSE! Pt. 07: Aberration, Pt. 01 (Dexter's Version) [Story No. 09]

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That was all I heard—repeatedly—overlapping in a chorus of distorted voices as we traveled through the portal. It was strange, as I knew that I was screaming from being yanked through, but I couldn't hear myself. The sensation of agony was once again present, no doubt, but all sound had been voided except for those aforementioned words resounding inside of my head. I gathered that was because it was the last thing to grace my ears before we were whisked away. Actually, I don't even think I heard anyone scream or shriek once the extraction began.

Well, I surmise that's what happened. It's the only logical reason for D'Voorz to rage that she needed more time. We were being returned to the real world.


I've finally returned to my proper state of consciousness, finding myself in a room similar to the one from earlier, but minus the voracious-looking pterodactyl. Thankful for that, albeit I'm certain I could handle him this time around. Just a quick activation of my Fuego-Fists and roasted wing-fingers will be on the menu for some starving soul. (Never for me though! Blecch!)

There aren't any EKG pads or IV tubing attached this time, though I am strapped to another cold, metallic surface, most likely another experimentation table. It's uncomfortable, and that discomfort is reinforced by the subtle grogginess I'm feeling, but I can at least move my head better than before. That's great, because I hate having my ability to survey impaired.

Once my eyes were able to adjust to the lights bathing the room in their incandescence, I scan my surroundings, taking note of two panels in the middle of the room: one located in the ceiling and the other in the floor, directly under the first one. They give me Mortal Kombat vibes, though they don't seem out of place. I doubt the T'Karians were going for inconspicuous with that design choice, but one would be forgiven if the panels weren't noticed immediately since their outlines blend into their surroundings. As for me, throughout ten of my seventeen years on this earth, I've trained myself to notice things others wouldn't. However, doing so has never been useful until now.

Upon further inspection, I spy Zuri to the right of me strapped onto a slightly larger and more intricate table. She's still unconscious and looks rather peaceful, so I'd hate to wake her, but we need to get out of here. Eschewing responsibility and being hindered by apprehension is the old me. The new Dexter Bartholomew James Seagrave is a guy who takes charge.

"I claim it, therefore it will be so: Absolute StrengthACTIVATE!" With minor effort, I shatter my restraints and leap from the table. I'm still light-headed, but also excited, and all of a sudden feeling wary. That was entirely too easy to escape from, which means Doctor Mordecai is somewhere, not that far away, watching me. He was expecting me to break free, which means that I have just stepped my big-ass feet into a trap. Shit!

Despite that possibility unsettling me, I make haste and free my friend. "Zuri!" I scream, forcefully shaking her. "C'mon, Zuri! You gotta wake up!" I can't seem to break her slumber, though her breathing is steady and her heartbeat appears normal, so I guess that's a good sign. However, she's burning up like she has a fever. Don't know if it's a result of the wild, psychological trip we went on, or if she's been doped up again.
Admittedly, her condition was much worse before she was experimented on. Whatever the case may be now, I can't dwell on it. I'll just have to carry her out until she awakens and can walk on her own. Only problem with that is trying to hold on to her while beating down whoever the doctor sends my way as we escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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