2. Like Minds

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After returning to her room, Kyoko's head spun uncontrollably as she tried to process everything that had just happened.

She had kissed him. She had kissed him. That hadn't been part of the plan. She hadn't meant to go that far, but as she saw Makoto doing his best to comfort her, and as she felt Makoto's hands glide around her waist, Kyoko couldn't stop herself. She had pressed her lips against Makoto's before she had realized what she had been doing.

A voice in the back of Kyoko's mind screamed that she had made a terrible mistake. How could she have opened herself up so recklessly? She had even cried, right in front of Makoto. To show such vulnerability was unbecoming of a Kirigiri detective. How had it come to this? What was happening to her?

You don't have to be afraid to take your mask off around me.

Those words echoed in Kyoko's head. She took a deep breath. Makoto was right. Kyoko didn't need to guard her emotions around him. She trusted Makoto. She had nothing to hide from him. Makoto was...

Kyoko wasn't sure. Not exactly. It was undeniable that her feelings for him were strong, but how strong? What is Makoto to me? My best friend? Family? Do I...?

When they had kissed, it had felt... powerful. Surprisingly so. It had been a sensation that Kyoko had never expected to feel. She didn't know if it was love yet, but the attraction was certainly there. Maybe in time...

Would such a relationship even work between them? Makoto's foolish openness was the polar opposite of Kyoko's iron mask, and the opposites attract trope was not a realistic one. Why was Makoto even interested in her? What was it about Kyoko that Makoto liked? When had Kyoko ever been a good friend to him? Even before that trial, Kyoko had treated Makoto so horribly.

Telling him about the secret room, but not warning him about the danger.

Then coldly brushing off the attack, because he was 'a boy' and could 'handle it.'

Throwing a tantrum over his choice to keep Sakura's secret.

Calling him arrogant.

Accusing him of not trusting her, despite giving him every reason not to.

Bossing him around constantly, never explaining anything.

Was this really the kind of person Makoto...?

Stop it, Kyoko scolded herself. You've already apologized for this. You know that you never asked Makoto for help the right way, and you know better now. Don't keep doing this to yourself.

Still, Kyoko didn't understand. It was kind of ironic. As much of an open book as Makoto was, this was one mystery Kyoko couldn't solve. Makoto did cherish her, that much was clear, but why? Did Makoto even know the answer himself?

Kyoko supposed she would have to interrogate Makoto later. She got ready for bed.

As she laid down, she felt anxious, yet hopeful. Was that contradictory? Maybe, but that was the only way Kyoko could describe it. Her lingering regrets still haunted her, yet she was happy that she and Makoto were working things out. Kyoko realized that she did want this. She wanted a chance to be something more with Makoto.

After all, there was no telling how much time they had.

It took a while, but Kyoko drifted to sleep.


In the mess hall, Makoto gave Hina a wide smile and a bubbly greeting. "Good morning, Hina-chan! How are you today?"

Hina smiled back, but titled her head in confusion. "Oh, I'm good. You seem to be doing better than expected."

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