Chapter Three

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  ** Slight TW! A character makes unwanted advances on a woman.**

Raelyn sauntered through the halls, holding a book in one hand and a candle in the other. Her blue nightgown just barely grazed the floor as she wandered, taking in the peace and quiet. It wasn't often that the girl could find solitude like in that moment; she was either accompanied by Ren a majority of the time, or guards littered the halls and pestered her about kingdom matters, but at night it was just her and her thoughts.

"M'lady?" Ren called out, rubbing her eyes as she stood in the doorway of her quarters.

"Oh, hello there, Ren." Raelyn replied, surprise lacing her tone.

"Is something the matter?"

"Nothing in particular-"

"Did you have another nightmare?" She eyed the queen knowingly.

"Yes." Raelyn replied softly, shutting her book and tucking it under her arm.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Raelyn shook her head.

"Not really, no. I'll just keep reading until I tire myself out."

"As long as you're sure, you can always come and get me, y'know."

"I know Ren, thank you. Go back to sleep." The queen smiled, patting her knight's head.

"Uh, it's already time for us knights to start our day, my queen." Ren informed her.

"Oh... I didn't realize!" Raelyn chuckled, "Stay safe, alright?"

"Will do, your majesty."

"Heyo!" Ailia greeted, as she and Drago entered the throne room where Raelyn was seated.

"Good morning you two!" She smiled, setting her leatherbound journal aside. "How did you sleep?"

"So well, the beds here are spectacular!"

"Well, they were masterfully crafted by the Harpies living in the north. I'm sure it's nothing like home though."

"That's for sure. I'm eager to get back!"

"M'lady," Ren announced, kneeling before Raelyn. "We leave for Tegrian shortly. Are you ready?"

"I believe so, yes. Drago, Ailia," the pair looked up at Raelyn expectantly, "will you be accompanying us?"

"As long as Drago is okay with it, I don't see why not." Ailia beamed.

"If it makes her happy, I'm happy, so sure."

"You two are sweethearts," Raelyn hummed, fetching her satchel and slinging it over her shoulder. "I'm ready to depart if you are, Ren." She announced, placing her book and journal inside her travel bag.

"Let me inform Marius and—"

"Your Highness, Lord Ren!" A soldier shouted, panting as he slammed the doors open. "Get the Queen to the cellar!"

"Wait, what's going on?!" Ren replied, unsheathing her sword and standing in front of Raelyn.

"Ailia, Drago, come by me," she beckoned them over so that they were protected from whatever threat was waiting.

"Just go now! There's no time to waste—" The unfortunate soldier was cut off as a blade emerged from his abdomen. Raelyn gasped, eyes welling with tears as she too unsheathed her weapon, the soldier falling to the ground.

"Well, good morning to you too, Raelyn." A man said, in a dark and booming voice. It was almost as if you could feel the air descend in temperature, and feel the ominous and surely wicked aura fill every dark corner of the castle.

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