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Dear Diary,

I landed my self in deep shit
So it all started today when Minho and I were walking around and it was normal and nothing special happened.
His hand brushed against mine
cue to gasp
Now now,I know it's not much but that little action made my heart fricking leap into my throat
Like,put my heart in a gymnastics outfit and call it Simon Biles,cause it was out here doing backflips,back hand springs and shit,i swear.
So a bit of context,
Minho's my childhood best friend.
Thinking back on it,the way we met was kinda wholesome not gonna lie.


Little Jisung ran away giggling.He swiftly turned a corner and pressed his back on the red brick wall.He covered his mouth suppressing a laugh in order not to hear caught.

Snowballs were being thrown here,there and about.
"I think he went this way!"He heard a girl shriek not too far away.He abruptly stopped laughing and his heart started to beat hard in his chest.He frantically turned his head side to side trying to find a way out of this mess.

He was slowly loosing hope as he heard the footsteps of the girls who were attacking him with snowballs.Jisung did the first thing he could think of;he covered his head with his scarf and crouched down.

"What are you guys looking for?"

Jisung heard a guy ask.
"A boy,he has blonde hair,and chubby cheeks,you've seen a guy like that?"He slowly removed the scarf off his face and saw another boy standing there.They both made eye contact.The boy's eyes widened a little as Jisung frantically shook his head and placed his index on his lips to signal the guy to not out him.

"Actually yea,I did see a boy like that."

Jisung face palmed."Where?!"The girls asked excitedly."He went that way."Jisung breathed a sigh of relief as the boy pointed to a totally opposite direction.The girls thanked the boy and sped off in that direction.

"Hey I'm Minho,may I ask why those girls were chasing you?"Minho giggled holding his hand out."I'm Jisung and the girls were chasing me because I threw snowballs at them first."Jisung laughed taking Minho's hand and getting up.

"Thanks for not outing me by the way."Jisung thanked him and dusted his pants."No problem-"
"HEY I FOUND HIM GIRLS!"Jisung and Minho abruptly turned their heads and saw the girls running towards them.

"Time to run."Jisung grabbed Minho's arm and they both ran out of there as the angry girls threw snowballs at them.

As they ran,a snowball hit Jisung in his back.He dramatically fell and clutched his heart."I-i'm wounded soldier..go...without me..find the light."Jisung dramatically gasped for air.

Minho laughed and picked Jisung off the floor and throwing his arm on his shoulder.

They skedaddled as fast as they could.They weren't very fast though and got hit multiple times in the back.

End of Flashback

Hey Chan_garoo here
I present to you,
I think

Word count:525 words

I think-MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now