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Dear Diary,

Today at school,Minho didn't seem to want my attention anymore

I guess that's a good thing

It makes it easier for me but I still feel so bad

I keep trying to tell myself that what i'm doing is not wrong

But I am hurting not only Minho but myself too

I just hope one day I can stop being such a wimp and tell him how I feel so all this nonsense can get over with.

Peace out,
Han Jisung


Jisung didn't even realize he was crying until he saw tear drops land on his book.He sniffled and wiped his eyes.Closing the book,he took his phone and opened the chat room Minho and him shared.

Jisung found himself smiling at the last three words of Minho's message.

"....I love you."He quietly said to himself with a big smile on his face.He turned off his phone and crawled into bed smiling but ready to cry himself to sleep.


Jisung woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm clock.He groggily moved his hand around to try and turn it off.Suddenly he felt someone grab his arm.

He yelped and jerked his arm back and immediately sat up,swiftly turning his head to see none other than Minho standing there.

"M-minho?"He asked,reprimanding himself for stuttering."What are you doing here?"Minho said nothing and sat infront of Jisung on the bed.

Jisung gulped as Minho bore holes into his face by staring at him so intensely."You have a crush on me don't you?"Minho suddenly spoke up causing Jisung to choke on his own spit."That's why you're ignoring me,right?"Minho asked again.

"W-what I-i don't know what y-you're talking about."Jisung lied through his teeth."You're lying,I can tell,just admit it...besides,you don't know if I like you back or not."Minho stated.

Jisung was sweating buckets.

"Just say it Jisung,admit it."

Jisung took in a deep breath."Okay,fine,I have a crush on you."Jisung admitted screwing his eyes shut.

Minho blinked a few times and burst into laughter causing Jisung to open his eyes again.Soon after Minho's laughter died down and he had a serious expression on.

"You're honestly pathetic Jisung."


"Did you really think I'd ever reciprocate your dumb feelings?"


"Stop being an idiot and get out of your head 'cause you're dreaming if you think I'll ever like you back."


Jisung felt tears prick his eyes.

"What are you gonna start crying now?"Minho laughed mocking him.

"AHHHHH!"Jisung shot out of bed with a loud and shrill scream.It was just a dream.More like a nightmare.He put his hand on his chest to feel his heart pounding and put his hand on his forehead to wipe the sweat away.

Jisung sniffled and hit his alarm clock groggily that had actually been ringing.He entered the bathroom to get ready for school and grimaced looking at his reflection.

His blonde hair was messy,there was a bit of drool at the corner of his mouth and his eyes were puffy and red from all the crying.

He lightly slapped himself in the face to fully wake himself up and hopped into the shower to start a long day.

Hey Chan_garoo here,
So i'm kinda planning something🤭

Word Count:564 words

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