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"So..Chan,would you like to tell us why you called us here for a 'group emergency,' at hmm..lemme see."Hyunjin paused and checked his watch.

"FOUR IN THE MORNING!"Hyunjin screamed startling some of them."Look,I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep but this is important."Chan smiled apologetically."By the way,I love your llama onesies."

He laughed awkwardly but was met with an unamused expression."Yea,why are we here I feel my eye bags weighing my eyes down."Jeongin groaned.
"If this isn't as important as you say it is I'm actually shipping you off to a nursing home."Seungmin glared.

"Okay so this is about..Minho."Everybody suddenly went silent.Jisung who was half asleep on the couch was now fully awake."Oh."He simply said."Has anyone else heard from him since he left?"The others shook their heads.

"Have you even tried to reach out to him,Jisung?"Changbin turned to Jisung who looked spaced out.He looked at all of them silently and shook his head.

"Wait,come to think of it,I don't even know why you were avoiding him in the first place."Changbin said again."Can I tell him?"Felix whispered to Jisung who simply nodded in response.

"Jisung had a crush on Minho and thought avoiding him could get rid of them."Felix explained in shorter terms.Changbin gasped and Chan followed after but more dramatically.

"Wait,why are you shocked?"Felix cocked an eyebrow at Chan."I already told you."Jisung's eyes widened and so did Felix after he realized what he had done.

"YOU TOLD HIM?!"Jisung yelled."WHAT DOES IT MATTER LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE HERE KNOWS!"Felix retorted and Jisung calmed down when he realized his friend was right."Anyways,why don't you try to reach him?"Hyunjin suggested.

"....Absolutely not."Jisung shook his head and everyone groaned."You're stupid."Jisung heard someone say while everyone wailed but he was pretty sure it was Seungmin.

"JUST DO IT YOU RAT ELSE I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOUR ASS EVER AGAIN!"Felix screech and dramatically shook his friend."Ugh..fine but it's not my fault if he doesn't respond."Jisung took out his phone.

"Actually it is."Jisung sent a death glare at Seungmin's direction."Okay what should I type."

"Go with something simple like..Hi."

"What are you dum?hi is too dry try something like asking him how he's been."

"Or maybe try confessing your undying love to him?"

"That's too fast we're trying to get him to talk to us not chase him away."

"Shut up please I'm trying to think."

"Try something like,'Hey how've you been are you into males?"

"Okay no Seungmin,just ask him how he's been."

Hi Minho,I'm just wondering how you've been

"Well that was dry."Jeongin rolled his eyes."Oh I'm sorry Jeongin,why don't you try texting someone for the first time in years after ignoring them for most of their high school career."Jisung replied sarcastically.

"This meeting was bull crap,I'm going back to my dorm,Jeongin you coming?"Seungmin stood up and walked to the door."Wait."Changbin waddled over to Seungmin and kissed him on the cheeks.

"AWWWW!!"Felix,Chan and Hyunjin cooed.

"EWWWWWW!!"Jisung and Jeongin faked a gag.

"Yea we're leaving before this escalates."Jeongin grabbed onto Seungmin's wrist and dragged him out as Seungmin kept looking back at Changbin with a big smile on his face.

"Let's go Felix."Hyunjin grabbed onto Felix's wrist and started to drag him out."But,y-you're rooming here."Felix pointed out and Hyunjin abruptly stopped."Oh yea..well...cya."He planted a kiss on his cheeks and waddled back to the room.

"Let's leave lix."Jisung grabbed Felix's arm and left with him."Who's your roommate again?"Jisung asked as they walked out."A guy named Wooyoung."Felix replied and Jisung hummed in response.

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