The start

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Screaming can be heard from near and afar. Left to right you can see dozens of holes and alteans running for their lives from lasers from the sky. Hurting and killing all alteans that weren't hiding, but still were getting killed by galra without mercy.
"Father... where are we going." A young girl asked with long slightly curly hair of the color of the lightest shade of blue you can get before  turning white. " just a tick allura we'll be there." A very tall and wise man with the same hair color as his daughter running while holding his daughter hand almost dragging her along. Door after door opening, one after another to get somewhere.

"Your Highness, it's ready." A very curly ginger haired man with a gorgeous mustache he says. "Thank you Coran your help is very much appreciated." King Alfor said, coming to a stop to look at his daughter with sad eyes but is not trying to scare his daughter with the sad truth. "Father, why are we here at in the ship and not at home and why are we near the healing pods if no one's hurt?" Allura asked with less curiosity and more confusion than usual. "Allura I need you to work with me here and I know you must be scared but everything is going to be okay.. okay Allura." Alfor said holding Allura's hands kneeling in front of her with those sad eyes that allura knew all to well.

"Wha-." Then everything went black and red again and again "FATHER PLEASE WHAT IS GOING ON." Allura screamed fear all over her face shaking and crying but not trying to break down. "I'm so so sorry my beloved daughter but you have to leave altea or you'll die..." ......  silence in the air for a tick or two then all you is screaming.

"WHAT I WILL NOT LEAVE FATHER LET ME FIGHT I CAN HELP FATHER PLEASE." Allura begging for her father to let her go and help her soon to be people. "No allura I'm sorry but you leave me no choice."  Alfor breathed out before knocking his own daughter out cold to pick her up and put her in the healing pod. Setting it up to cryo sleep. "Coran I want you to be with my daughter when she awakens from this again I'm sorry for having you leave your home."

" of course your highness I will be there for your daughter I hope to see you again king Alfor." Coran smiled before stepping into the healing pod too. " I hope so too." Alfor said before running out of the ship to send the secret out of altea into the unknown universe hoping that it would be safe.

10,000 years later

"Shiro promise me that you will be back to me please." A unknown stranger said to the other supposed to be the name Shiro. "I promise Adam I will be back with you." Shiro said kissing the other head then the nose and lastly in lips longer than the other two kisses. "Ok I believe you, now go say bye to keith I know he'll miss you too." Adam nods to the smaller one trying to not to be seen but got caught.

A small yelp was heard followed by not so quiet footsteps running away from them. Small laughter was heard by the two older men "ok I will." Shiro said kissing Adam one last time before he went to keith room and knocked on it  twice before hearing a come in from the other side of the door. "Hey keith how are you." Shiro says while opening the door and walking in towards keith under his blankets on his bed. "I'm okay." Keith said ever since Shiro got him into the garrison he basically adopted keith as his own.
Adam being the only reasonable one here actually got Adoption papers for keith and legally adopted him with Shiro. Being together with a middle sized house is fun and everyone has their own space. " keith I'm going to be gone for a while are you going to ok with being with Adam alone." Shiro asked with a little caution as if he trying not to set off a bomb. "Of course I'll be fine I'm not a child anymore I... I can handle it I promise." Keith said getting out of the covers until they're at his back looking at Shiro with unknowing sadness that he was trying to hide but couldn't. "Ok then i just go now-." Suddenly Shiro tackled into the biggest bear hug ever by keith jumping off his bed trying not to cry but can't stop the tears. " please promise me... that you'll come back..... I can't keep losing parents." Keith said crying in shiro's shoulder holding on as if life depended on it. "Don't worry keith I will be back home with you and Adam." Shiro wiping the tears off keith face. Both of them smiling at each other as they hug one last time.

"I'm sorry but shiro gone.... Again I'm so sorry for your loss I understand your pain and hope the best for your family."

One year later

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