Chapter 2

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  ••Later that night, around 10pm. Theo texted Emily••

                                                                          Theo: Are you up? (at 10:05)
                                                                          Emily: Yeah, I'm up. just doing homework (At 10:07)
                                                                         Theo: Oh, so do you want to go to this restaurant down by my place? or a movie? (at 10:09)
                                                                         Emily: Surprise me. (At 10:09)
                                                                        Theo: Alright, surprise it is. I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something nice. (at 10:10)
                                                                        Emily: Mk, goodnight. (at 10:11)
                                                                       Theo: Goodnight. (at 10:11)

| Theo's POV |

I walk up to her door, take a deep breath and knock. I was wearing a black tux with a deep red bow. I had some roses in my hand as a gift. Emily's parents opened the door. Great..meeting her parents is gonna be fun. The door opened and it was Her Father AND Mother. Okay..deep breath... I take a deep breath and start to speak. "Hello Mr and Mrs Carter. I'm Theo Parker, I'm here for your daughter, Emily." I said. Mr.Carter started first. "Ah yes, She said she was getting picked up by...Someone." He said, then his wife spoke up. "Yes, yes. Quite beautiful things. She doesn't stop talking about you, and usually shes so quiet and kept to herself." Mrs. Carter said. "I'm Stacy, this is my husband Eric. Yes, ill be back in a minute."  Mrs.Carter goes and gets Emily as Mr.Carter spoke up again. "Yes, indeed..So, if I hear you did something that made her upset tonight...I will not hesitate to keep you from my daughter."  I swallowed hard then nodded. Damn, why is he so fucking scary? Mrs.Carter came down the stairs with Emily.

| Emily's POV |

I came down the stairs in a slick medium sized black dress. "Okay, okay. im hurrying." I said to my mother, I walked over to the door and stepped out. "Alright, bye guys." I waved and we started to walk to his car. "Sorry about them.." I said, laughing slightly. "It's alright, though..I didn't expect your father to be that intimidating." He said, starting the car and starting to drive.
"Really? I mean, He is the CEO of a company but hes really nice when you get to know him." I said, smiling slightly. "So..I'm guessing we are going to the restaurant?" I said. "How'd you guess? I wouldn't take you to the movies in a dress and tux, would I?" He said.

| Theo's POV |

"I'm not crazy." I said, chuckling as I pulled into the driveway of the Restaurant. "I had a reservation, we are on time, surprisingly." I said getting out and walking over to her side of the car, opening it and offering out my hand. "Don't want to be late. You look beautiful, by the way." I said with a smile plastered on my face. I grabbed her hand and shut the door behind her. I wrapped my hands around her waist. The look on her face! I let out a chuckle. "Don't be nervous, Em." We walk in and go to our reserved table, sitting across from each other. We got our menus and started talking a bit. The waiter walked over and asked what SHE wanted. Wow, flirting with my date instead of doing his job, how original... After she ordered I cleared my throat. "Anyway, I'll have whatever MY date has." I said sharply, more intimidating than intended. What am I feeling? Jealousy? eh..I mean... she is MY date, ugh...

| Emily's POV |

I ordered then he interrupted the waiter.. I then realized as I glanced down away from both of them.. Hes still holding my hand...does he notice?He squeezed my hand, gently. It's obvious hes frustrated...maybe I should just try to say something? Yeah... I look at the waiter "He'll have the stake, medium-rare. Thanks." I said dismissing him. The waiter walked away, a bit annoyed. I looked at Theo "You okay? You seem a bit frustrated because of that.." He sighed deeply, squeezing my hand again, gently. "Yeah, I guess I lost my cool a bit... I don't know." He said. He glanced away, then looked back at me with those beautiful hazel blue eyes. I could stare into those eyes all night...

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