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Lora and Rohak looked at each other. "What?"

Dream grew nervous. He felt his throat grow itchy as he fought to tell the truth, even though he did—however, saying it was a hypothetical. "You said you'd get my friends and me out of trouble if I take the position as a royal guard... I am merely throwing a few hypothetical scenarios to know the extent of that statement."

Rohak sighed, tapping the tip of his finger on his chin. "I suppose if that were to happen, we'd let it pass. So, what's your final decision, Dream?" he asked. The blonde took a deep breath as he thought about it, thinking about all the trouble he'd save himself from if he took the position. Sapnap and his siblings would be safer. The group wouldn't have to worry about sneaking them around to keep them from the villagers' sight. He looked down at his hands. He knew taking this position would mean death.

Villagers who disagreed with the ways of their King and Queen were punished, most punishments leading to death. The royal guards are the ones doing the killings, however. Dream couldn't picture himself in that position, standing before someone, aware that he'd bring them to their final breath. Still, however, Dream's mind went back to Sapnap. He didn't know if it was because he created a sudden bond with the ravenette due to the night before or if he wanted Sapnap to return home. He took one last deep breath, looking up at Lora and Rohak. "I've made my decision."

Jake sighed as he took a spoonful of the mushroom stew, remembering all those days he had to eat the same thing back in the Nether. He sat in George's house, Jacklyn sitting opposite him at the table. He had been listening to Puffy and George's conversation from the living room, discussing a plan to return the siblings home. "I still have to convince Karl," Puffy said.

George sighed, "I don't know, Puffy. We have to tell the rest of the group and the siblings. What if they disagree with the plan?"

"The siblings will agree! They're the ones who want to go home. They'd be happy with any plan we give!" Puffy argued. Jake's ears perked up, listening intently. They were talking about him and his siblings, a plan to return home. Of course, he had to listen in. "All we need is Karl and those three to follow along. Everyone else isn't needed."

George hummed as he paced around the living room, deciding to take a seat. He sat on the couch, tapping his foot on the ground. "Karl is the only one in our group who can time travel. However, he doubts himself—Puffy, what if he can't do it?" George asks.

Jacklyn looked up at Jake, whispering to him: "Time travel? Why are they talking about time travel?"

Jake shrugged, "It must be part of Puffy's 'plan' to get us home. I don't see how it ties into it, though. Let's be quiet and listen." Jacklyn nodded as she continued to eat her stew, keeping her ears open.

Puffy groaned as she covered her face with her hands, "He can! He's done it before."

"The last time he jumped through time, he lost his memory! It took months to help him remember everything. Quackity was the most hurt out of all of us. You know how close those two are—" George said. "What if that happens again? What if we can't restore his memory this time with a simple potion or show him familiar places?"

"It won't happen, I'll make sure of it! He's been reading more books about time travel and journals of his ancestors on how to improve. He won't have to jump back far, just a few days around the afternoon... if he can get to the siblings before they get to the portal, we'll be fine!" Puffy said.

Jake stood up, the chair screeching against the floor. "You're planning on having Karl jump back in time to prevent us from entering the portal?" he asked, slamming his hands against the table, startling the three in the house. Puffy sighed as she approached the kitchen, placing a caring hand on Jake and Jacklyn's shoulders. George shook his head from the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Listen... it's for the best. That way, the portal never gets destroyed! You two and Sapnap will continue your lives as they should be. Meanwhile, we'd continue ours without worry. The King and Queen won't bother us about mysterious visitors," Puffy smiled.

Jake sighed, "Are you aware that visiting the OverWorld has been our lifelong dream?"

"Ever since we stepped foot on this land... we've been the happiest! Sapnap has found joy and has finally seen something besides books and following our Royal duties!" Jacklyn argued, standing from the chair. Puffy pulled away from the two, stepping back. George sighed as he stood up, "Puffy... there has to be another way. Let's continue building the portal! As soon as it's finished, they can return. There's no plan needed."

The woman sighed as she shook her head, "The longer they're here, the worse trouble my son will be in! The King and Queen are on his ass—it won't be long until they find out he helped sneak in Netherians, especially Royal Netherians."

George flipped Puffy around, "Imagine all the risks we'd put Karl and the siblings in if we use your plan. Karl may be able to convince the siblings to stay put, but it won't stop them from attempting again! If they try again, it could be worse! Maybe that second time we won't find them, and they'd die—by the weather or the hands of royal guards!"

Jake turned to look at Jacklyn, feeling his heart pound. It felt as if the wind were knocked out of him. "She doesn't want us here... we should leave," he thought. His eyes said it all as he stared at Jacklyn. The brunette sighed as she nodded, slowly approaching the door. Jake followed her, ignoring Puffy and George's questions.

"We're going to go see our brother. Please... fix the portal. It is our best option—" Jacklyn said, opening the front door. George stared in worry as he watched the two leave the house. He turned to look at Puffy, "You heard her. It's our best option. Let's grab the others and go back to the field."

Puffy sighed as she watched George go to his room. She shook her head as she left the house, "I must find Dream."

To Be Continued...

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