Chapter 6

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"Baby, I'm home!" I yell as I enter the front door taking off my heels by the front door. The eriee silence in the apartment made we step further into the home placing my bag on the couch. "Baby, where are you?" I question walking into through the hallway of our condominium.

I open the first door in the hallway, my husbands office. His chair is facing the way it always faces when the room is not occupied, it was facing the window. I close the door and walk to the next room in the hallway, our indoor gym was quiet and cold. I walk to the last door, our bedroom. I pause at the door, my ear picks up on a faint noise that I could not hear from the front door.

Turning the knob, I crack the door open and take a peak through the mirror sitting on the dresser. This fucking lunatic, fucks a whore in our fucking bed. I push the door open and impact from it colidding with the sheetrock behind it starled the pair in the bed.

Their movements are frantic and I chuckle loudly as I watch them shuffle around. "Don't stop on my account, finish at least." I take a few paces towards the bed crossing my eyes looking at my husband in the eyes.

"That's if you can finish Taye, we both know how hard that is for you. Don't we." The mere fact I was standing in this room with both of them naked would have sent me into rage a few months ago.

"Get the fuck out of my home." I direct my venomous tongue to the very young gril who is either startled by getting caught or the fact that I was Nia Long. She scuffles around trying to take the duvet with her to pick up her clothes off the floor. I snag the other end of the duvet as she makes her way from the bed to the hardwood floor. "Absoluelty not, pick up your shit and get out. You can forget about shame right now."

"I'm sorry Ms. Long, I had no-" I cut her off. "Don't even talk whore, get your shit and get out." I look back at my husband laying in the bed with his soft dick on display. I look up at his eyes who are on me.

"Nia, I can explain." I furrowed my brows at the stupidity coming out of his mouth in this very moment.

Walking over to the dresser, I open the dresser and find him a pair of boxers. "I'm waiting Taye, explain this one away. Explain to me why you had the fucking audacity to bring that bitch here? After all of those months of couples counseling and all of the lame ass promises. Fucking explain all of this shit." The boxers I have chosen left my hand and landed on the bed next to him.

"Nia, I want a divorce. I tried to make this relationship work but I just don't want this anymore. I'll pack a bag for tonight and I'll be back in the morning for the rest of my things." I stop him before he can reach into the dresser.

"Do I look like a fucking fool to you? What sick and twisted shit are you into right now? Fuck everything you just said, I want to know why the fuck was that whore in our bed. Young whore, I mean.What the fuck is wrong with you?" The rage building inside of me could not wait for a response. Fuck this marriage. I walk down the hallway grab my bag off the couch and snatch my keys. The walk to the car was intense, all my emotions went into slamming the car door letting out a scream loud enough to alarm anyone in the garage.

Tear stream down my face stinging me with the steam they emit, as if it was trying to calm me down. I was heated walking into my own place finding my no good husband in bed with a whore. 

A part of me believe he changed and therapy was working but I stand corrected. I start the car pulling out of the garage, the tires cruise down the LA streets, but I dont have a destination. The cars sound system blares *incoming call* *Husband*. I roll my eyes wiping the dried tears and end the call with the button on the steering wheel.

I pull up to the office putting the car in park on the street instead of the parking lot. Time feels warped and my only desire is solitude. I rush in the building, quickly greet the night security hurrying to the elevator. The floor is quiet and dark, I check my phone turning on the flashlight leading the way to my office.

I need a drink. My thoughts guiding my next steps. The bar in the corner of my office was mostly there for decoration but I knew tonight would be the one time I indulged in it.

My phone vibrates on my office desk and I ignore it not wanting to speak to Taye at this time.

The dark bourbon poured in the Glencairn perfectly. The heat coats my throat, relieves some thoughts and images swirling in my mind.

The plush couch underneath me feels comfortable enough to sleep on. I close my eyes and remember encounter in this office from earlier. While Taye had his secret affairs, I had my secrets as well. In the beginning, the dynamics worked. That was until he turned up with a baby ealry last year, we have not been the same since then.

We had our rules.

1) Never sleep with the same person.
2) Use protection.
3) Don't ask questions.
4) Our home is off limits.

I place the empty glass on the corner of my desk and reach to pick up my phone. Before checking the notications I look at the time, it's still an early night.

*Incoming Call* *Husband*


Looking for a name in particular, my search bar is filled with the first three letters.



Omg y'all. Wtf.

I wont leave yall that long ever again. Life was lifeing, but I'm coming back.

We in this strong, the story will pick up some.

I did not proofread but I will edit ehen I get a chance.

I want the RUSH!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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