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The story was short enough, though when something was quite this strange, retellings tended to lengthen themselves. As the plot of some movie she'd seen it was fine enough. As something they'd just been through, it was closer to insane rambling.

"That... that's a lot to swallow," said Lola.

"Heh. You were hovering. That's the lazy girl's super power," Ezora laughed. Her guest took another handful from the bowl and chomped it down without looking at her or it. "I feel like you don't believe me."

"No, I don't," she replied.

"Well, saying it out loud, I'm not sure I would either..."

"Did you drug me? Cos' look, I have a lot of money, and I have a very good lawyer."

"I didn't drug you."

"Then how did you get me up here? I want to know just happened, and I don't want to hear any more of this GT Comics trash, okay?"

"You want the truth?" Ezora folded her arms. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, for god sakes!"

"For the last five minutes you've been eating Build-A-Blocks."

Lola sat up, knocking over the bowl and spilling multi-coloured bricks in every direction. She spat out a yellow head into her hand, and couldn't get to the door fast enough.

"Oh, I am gone! Goodbye, freakshow! See you in court!"

Ezora sighed, waited by the window and watched Lola waddle onto the street (in her bathrobe, no less) and take a left. Then she slid open the window, climbed out, dropped two stories, and went the same way. After that she just had to look for the fattest girl in the crowd of people gazing into the wreckage.

The mall had caved in and fallen down.

"Are you ready to talk?"

Trembling, Lola nodded.


Lola's house was on the other side of town. A lavish, beautiful two-story splendour that she was most upset to find now had a gaping hole in the side. She paid her DRIVR, sent her staff home, and ordered some pizza before they'd even stepped past the front yard fountain.

At the first step, she slowed down and started stretching her legs, looking puzzled.

She slapped her belly. Breathed in and out, stretching, pushing her pale stomach out of the robe, then angrily barged in through the door. Odd, but then, rich people often were. Following her in, Ezora was immediately drawn to a row of framed paintings greeting them from the entrance hall.

"Oh, who painted this?"

"I don't know. It was here when I bought the place." Lola was now angrily doing jumping jacks off to the side, looking very confused. "Not even winded..."

What she saw of the rest of the house was just as impressive. Ezora found herself saying 'ooh' and 'aah' multiple times just getting to the living room, which was almost as large as her whole apartment. And it was fancy, too. Two couches, a wall mounted flat screen, even a big ol' fireplace. After the day she'd had, Ezora wasn't sure if she was impressed, jealous, or a tiny bit resentful.

There was a small bounty of cold Burger Basket on the coffee table.

Above the fireplace was a beautiful framed photo of a thin woman with long, straight black hair.

"Your sister's pretty. You two must be close."

Lola stopped grumbling and managed a snicker. "I don't have a sister."

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