Spooky Mormon Hell Dream

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stabbing down at him, raining from the sky:giant blood red spikes. running. dodging in between them, they've found me they know what I am. laughter from above the clouds and I can't see who it's coming from, but I can tell they're enjoying my suffering. hell. I'm in hell. I'm burning, everything is pain and fire. "your fault," the laughing man calls "your fault. your fault your fault fault youre you your fault" his voice starts repeating and breaking like a scratched record.
Moritz bolts upright covered in sweat, looking around frantically, pupils pinpoints.
"Moritz?" the question comes from beside him and the frightened boy flinches away from the voice.
"no, no please, no!" Moritz pleads, not understanding where he is.
"Moritz, hey, it's okay. it's me, it's Melchior. you're safe, baby. you're safe here." meaning well, just trying to help the boy he loves, Melchior reaches out towards Moritz in an attempt to comfort him, but is shocked when his boyfriend throws himself out of his reach desperately.
"no! no dont- don't call me that, youre gonna get us damned. don't touch me dont touch me...don't touch me" his voice trailing to a whisper, repeating over and over "going to hell, they know. they know. they know." Moritz sinks to the ground, hugging his knees.
Melchior looks at the broken boy next to the bed and his stomach drops with guilt. normally if Moritz is upset about something being held or having someone touching him in some way is grounding and comforting to him. what's different this time?
"Moritz?" a tentative whisper
"yeah?" the curled up form answers shakily from the ground.
"do you want to come sit on the bed? I won't touch you, I promise; but I would like to be able to see you so I can make sure my friend is okay" when Melchior called Moritz by a pet name he'd freaked out, so if Melch assured his boyfriend that he'd be checking on any of his "friends" then maybe he'd accept help? he didn't know what was going on or what his partner needed, but he was trying at least.
Moritz nods slowly and drags himself onto the edge of the bed, his shirt sleeve in his mouth and his knees pulled to his chest. This sight broke Melchior, he wants to help Moritz, he wants to hold his boyfriend and tell him it's all okay. but that isn't what Moritz needs right now.
"Moritz, can I ask you a couple questions? if you aren't ready we don't have to talk right now and I can go sleep in the den, but if you're ready I'd like to know what's hurting you, love-er- I'd like to know what's hurting you Mo"
Moritz nods "questions are okay" he says slowly, choosing his words carefully.
"was it a dream?"
he nods.
"did it have to do with hell or religion" adopting a gentler tone but still asking directly.
another nod.
"can you tell me what got you in trouble in the dream?"
...silence for a couple minutes and then finally, "us. they, it, he? whatever it is, knows im...a homosexual and is warning me of what happens to them."
"Moritz, can you look at me?"
he does
"Moritz I'm not gonna go all theory and lecture on you right now, you've heard those plenty of times. but you know there's nothing in the actual scripture that says this is wrong, thats just how society has interpreted it to keep us scared."
"...I know. I'm just scared Melchi. I'm so scared" Moritz, having seemingly gotten past the initial shock, slowly crawls across the bed to sit next to Melchior. taking his hand and pressing it to his flushed face, streaked with dried tears.
"I know you are, I wish I could help more baby, I wish I could" Moritz hugs Melchior tightly, breathing him in, connecting himself back to the real world.
"we're not wrong for being in love Moritz. you aren't wrong for loving me because we both happen to be boys".
Moritz takes a deep breath, he's back. "I do love you Melchior".
"and I, you my dear Moritz"

whoopsies, im back boys (gender neutral)

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