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Mikasa's POV

I could see Armin in his Colossal form. I could also see Eren...In what I assume would be his original Founding form. I remember the fight Eren and Armin had a while ago, how Eren completely bet up Armin with no regrets. When he said he hated me...Those words still haven't left my brain, but my heart acts as if he never said those words. Why does love have to be so difficult?

I could see Eren walking to Armin, and I started getting worried. I had a feeling Armin might not win this fight...and that Eren would kill him. Armin's Colossal titan arms are so thin, thinner than Burrito's arms were. Knowing that Eren can beat Armin in human form, I was doubting Armin could be Eren. But it was worth a shot.

"Mikasa!" I heard someone call my name. It was a little hard to hear with the wind, but I turned my head. The words I heard next made my body freeze, I heard them as clear as day. "We have to kill Eren!! This is our only chance!"

Surely I was hearing wrong, right? We can't kill Eren...not after everything he's done for humanity. But this...there was no telling how many people had survived the thousands of Colossals Eren, or should I say Zeke probably, had sent. There might not even be any humans on the ground still alive...But there was no way I could kill Eren. How could I? Even if I know he hates me, deep down I feel like he loves me...and he's just saying all this to be tough. My eyes swelled with tears at the thought of myself watching me kill Eren. I gripped my sword tightly in my hands.

"No...There's got to be another way!!" I shouted back, but I felt someone grab my arm. I turned my head to see Annie. She had betrayed us all those years ago, killing many of our soldiers and friends, but now she has helped us. I could see the look in her eyes. She wanted me to do this. She wanted me to kill Eren. My eyes just swelled with more tears, until they started to pour down.

"Mikasa...This is our only chance, we could save humanity..You have to do this, for all of us."


Everyone's lives...

They were all depending on me...

On me to kill Eren.

The only person I loved dearly. I trusted him, or did I? How could I after everything he's done? Killing thousands, if not millions of innocent lives. Kids, women, men, soldiers. He's killed more humans than he has titans. But haven't we all...

"Annie..." I whispered. My head lowered before I looked over at Eren and Armin. They had started fighting. I could see Armin grab Eren's hair, dragging him down to punch him. But Eren was better than that. I immediately turned my gaze away before I could see Armin get punched on the face. It's more brutal than their human fight. I looked down at my swords, the swords that would kill Eren. But how would I even get there? I'd have to go inside Eren's mouth...But his teeth are in the way.

"I have a few thunderspears(Is that what they're called?-) left. I'll give you one, Mikasa." Levi said, walking over to me. I looked up at him, seeing him handing me a thunderspear. I stuck it in place, not uttering a single word. "I'll help you get there. And then you'll blow up Eren's mouth, and zip inside." He spoke as he started getting ready, turning to Eren and Armin. This really was happening...This isn't a joke. Eren is going to be killed, by me.

I stood up, turning to Eren and Armin as well. The smoke and wind made my scarf and hair blow, and I reached up to tighten my scarf. I won't lose it. It'll be all I have left of Eren. A single tear fell down my cheek. I turned my head to Levi. "I'm killing Eren...That's the final plan." He looked at me and nodded. No going back. No changing ideas.
I turned my attention back to Eren, taking his titan form in one last time. The first time I ever saw it...back at the walls..where he saved me. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him that day.

My hands moved, and I started to zip towards Eren. Levi followed. Many huge rocks came our way, and I could see Levi destroying them with his swords. How? I won't ask. There's something bigger and more important going on. I followed behind him as he cleared a path for me. It started getting warmer, as we zipped closer to Armin and Eren. Hange...She would've felt something a million times hotter than this...

I shook my head and continued to follow the path Levi made before eventually zipping ahead of him. I was in front of Eren now. He was huge...Way bigger than his 15 meter titan. I stared into his eyes, and he stared back at mine. Something inside me wanted me to stop, to turn back and call it quits. My heart...It had to be my heart telling me that. But my brain said otherwise. I had to push forward. But I hesitated.

Raising the thunderspear, I hesitated to throw it at Eren's mouth. My eyes stared into his, and tears swelled up in my eyes. I went to throw it, but a sudden burning hear wrapped around my whole body. I couldn't help but scream as my body burned. I couldn't tell if they would be first, second, or third degree burns, but whatever burns they were, they hurt.

I realised when I couldn't move that it was Eren's titan hand that was around me, burning through my clothes and to my skin. Tears streamed down my face, but they instantly turned into steam. Why had he grabbed me? Was he stopping me? Would be put me down? I had so many questions, and they got answered as his arm started moving towards his mouth. He's going to eat me...My eyes widened as I looked up at Eren.

"EREH!! EREH NO PLEASE!!" I shouted in an attempt for him to hear me and stop. But it was no use. I could hardly hear myself, how could he hear me from there? As I felt the heat increase, the feeling in my body disappeared, the burns numbing my nerves. I tried to move, but I couldn't tell if I was moving or not. I couldn't feel anything. I don't know where Levi went, and I can't see anyone else. Is Armin still there?

Save me, Armin...

Before I could even think again, I was right in front of Eren's mouth. He opened it, and moved my head inside. I looked up, and I caught a glimpse of him. His eyes were shut. I called out to him, but he gave no response. The tears kept coming. "Ereh!..." I called out one last time.

And the last thing I saw were his dead eyes...

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