Red Scarf

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The air was silent as I gained consciousness. The rumbling was over, as I thought. But as I pulled out of my titan- I pulled out of my titan? That's not right. I should be dead. I shouldn't be pulling out of my titan. I ripped my face away from the titan, and looked up. It wasn't heaven I was looking at. Nor was it hell. It was Earth. I was still alive.

My visions had been wrong. The future lied to me. I wasn't meant to live, at least not after the rumbling. I pulled myself out of the titan fully before standing up on its carcass. It was huge, my colossal form. All around me I could see red, and I was wondering if it was blood or the remains of colossal titans.

The wind was still alive. I wasn't alone. I stumbled off my titan that started decaying as soon as I got out of it. I couldn't see a human in sight, nor even a single living, breathing being. No birds, no humans, nothing. Just me alone. Had my friends even survived this? My eyes darted around before I saw something red, not like what I was seeing all around me. This one red thing, was different. And as I walked over to it, I could see why.

Mikasa's scarf. My scarf. My eyes widened as I saw it was burnt, but still intact. But there was no Mikasa...That was when all my memories of the events came to me. I could see them all.

Eating Armin from his colossal form...

Whacking my friends out of the sky...

And killing Mikasa...

I screamed at that last memory. I killed Mikasa, our roles had been reversed in that one moment. Why that moment of all? She hesitated. And I killed her at her own mistake. A tear dropped onto the floor of red, though it evaporated quickly. I hadn't even noticed the heat till then. How had this poor scarf survived this heat?

I picked it up off the ground. It was so delicate, and it had been through everything. My life, Mikasa's life. It had seen her death too. And it almost met its own swoven death.

I held the fabric in my hands, tracing over the marks of dirt and small burns. The scarf soon was wrapped around my neck as I held onto it, covering my nose. It smelt like Mikasa, smoke and fire, death. It was both pleasant and unpleasant. I don't even know if Mikasa has washed this scarf, it has the hint of a smell that I remember smelling like as a child.

I turned back to my titan, to see only bones remain of it. White amongst red. I didn't want to see this anymore. I need more colour, more life. I clutched the scarf as I made my way out of this horrid place, passing many broken houses and remains of titan bodies that were still decaying. The air smelt of death and sorrow, and I wondered just how many bodies I would find. Had everyone gotten crashed by the titans? Or were they laying about. I don't even know if anyone survived.

My whole walk I didn't see a single alive human. Bodies, yes, of child, men, women, all kinds. Most, if not all, were which Marleyans. My goal for the rumbling was a success, but as I kept walking to find not a soul alive, I started to think of how my plan also failed. I wanted Eldians to live freely, but how could they if they were all dead?

Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Jean, Annie, Reiner, Pieck, Gabi, Falco, even Captain Levi. They had all died when they should've lived. Many should have lived. Why did Mikasa have to hesitate? Right now I would be walking in hell waiting for Armin and Mikasa, but no. I am walking on Earth. But Earth right now feels exactly how I imagine hell would feel like, if not worse.

There's was no one, where in hell I'd assume you'd get to see people. I never realised how lonely humans could get without seeing anyone in a short amount of time, because I felt that. I felt lonely. I didn't care who was alive right now, whether they were an enemy or friend, I wish I had someone to talk to. I don't think Zeke made it at all. He's out of the picture.

If I went back to the walls, maybe, just maybe, there was someone alive. A child, a woman, a man, perhaps a Marleyan. I hate Marleyans but to have someone to talk to is better than nothing. But there was one issue. The colossal titans had flatten Earth, therefore I had no clue where I was going. I could see many, many bodies. I couldn't tell if they were getting progressively more and more.

I didn't notice the amount of distance I had walked to I stopped to see a cliff edge. The pain kicked in in my legs and I let out a surprised pained sound. Maybe sitting at the cliff will give me some comfort. I stumbled my legs over to the cliff edge, looking down to see what was below me.

I was expecting the ocean, or a stretched out land. But what I saw made me sick to my core.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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