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"Maya." Bellamy's voice comes out clear from the doorway. 

I tear my eyes of the new trainees. Looking at him, indicting for him to continue. 

"My dad wants to see you." The words come out of his mouth sounding like he is scared of something. 

"Okay. Train them for me?" I ask but I have already left the room walking towards Dreykov's office. The walls in the hallway are cracked and crumbly. This is the fifth place we have been in with just Dreykov as the leader. I crack up the old wooden door walking in. 

Dreykov turns and looks at me while holding a teacup. "I thought we talked about knocking."

"And I thought I said I could care less." I smile fakely. I don't owe him anything. If anything, he owes me for keeping me in this hell hole.

"We need to talk. It's about Natasha." He says, as he puts down the teacup. He looks almost angry and he is trying to hid it. I hope she got out. She deserves to leave this place, and be happy. "She died. Mission gone wrong." His voice is devoid of emotion now. As if he couldn't care less.

I feel the air leave my lungs. I almost feel sad? I'm not supposed too. My humanity is off. It has been for 60 years. But I feel as though tears could fall. Natasha was in all honesty my best friend. She was the best of us, how could she have died?

The sound of thunder takes me back to the present. 

"What, scared of a little lighting?" Steve asks Loki. 

"I'm not too fond of what follows." Loki responds from across me in the quinjet.

Suddenly the jet shakes as if something has landed on the top. It continues shaking and Tony puts his Iron Man helmet on.

"That's a bit extreme for some thunder." I comment as Steve also puts on his helmet.

"That's not thunder." Steve says looking at the top of the quinjet.

I laugh. "What? It's a sky person or something?" As I look between Steve and Tony, Tony opens the back and a man in a cape with long hair and a hammer lands on the runway.

"Well. I stand corrected." I say. The sky man hits Tony with his hammer throwing him backwards. "Uh oh." Before me and Steve can do anything he grabs Loki by the neck and flies away. 

"This may sound dumb. But was he supposed to take the egotistical guy?" I ask.

Steve sends me an annoyed look and Natasha stifles a laugh. 

"Now there is that guy." Tony says.

"He's an asgardian?" Natasha asks.

"That guys a friendly?" Steve asks.

"Doesn't matter. He has Loki." Tony says as he walks to end of the quinjet.

"Tony! We need a plan of attack!" Steve yells at him.

"I have a plan. Attack." Tony flies out of the quinjet.

Steve walks next to me and grabs a parachute. 

"I'd sit this one out." I tell him as I stand up.

"Don't see how I can." He says as he puts his parachute on.

"I don't think you understand how dangerous these people are. They are legends, they have powers we don't even understand." I say.

"Well then. I will go try to understand it." He tells me as he jumps out of the quinjet.

"M, mind helping them?" Natasha asks as she looks back.

"Seriously?" I laugh a little. Natasha's expression stays the same. I sigh loudly. "Fine."

I jump from the quinjet. Despite some views on vampires we can jump from really high and be fine. I land in the middle of a forest. I sigh again. I have been on 100's of missions and this one, really sucks. "Why did I agree to this?" I ask myself as I walk through the woods. 

"What are you doing here?" Steve says to me as he emerges from behind a tree. He glares as if I just pulled a gun on him.

"Planting a tree. What do you think?" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

He rolls his too, "I don't understand why you are apart of the avengers. I thought we were supposed to be an elite team." He spits out as he comes to my side and we begin to walk through the dark forest. The only light being the moon.

I laugh and scoff at the same time. "You are elite? You managed to get yourself stuck in an icicle for sixty six years." I say as I squint my eyes trying to see any indication of Loki, Sky man, or Tony.

"I saved a lot of people." He says, as we walk down a muddy hill.

I groan at the mud. 

He scoffs, "Can't even handle mud?" He challenges. 

"I don't want to be here, okay? You want to have me off your precious avengers team, don't worry you will after we complete this." I say. I am getting so sick of his attitude. And I don't want to be here. I'm not a hero, i'm far from it. 

"So then why are you here?" He stops me from walking by stepping in front of me. He stares into my eyes as if he is trying to detect a lie.

"To steal all of SHIELD's information and to kill you all." I say straight faced. He immediately takes two big steps back. He looks at me with a mixture of righteousness and fear. "No, dumbass. I'm here for Natasha." I say as I move past him to continue walking.

"Do you think this is a joke?" He asks me in disbelief as he catches up with me.

I roll my eyes. "A man from a planet I didn't even know existed took a glowing stone that apparently has immense power. Not to mention one of the people on our team turns into a big green giant. It sounds like a frickin' movie, so yeah, I have to joke about it."

"This is surprising to you? You are a vampire." He points out acting like he just won the argument. 

"Yes, but I was born in Virginia, not a magic planet." I point out. Clearly, he doesn't understand this.

Before he can rebuttal we see a light in the forest, ahead of us. "Found them." I say as we run towards the light. We are now on a little ledge above where Tony and Sky man are fighting. 

"Hey!" Steve yells as he throws his shield in between them causing them to stop fighting and look at us. "That's enough." He jumps down from the ledge and I follow as I roll my eyes. He is always doing the golden boy act. "Now I don't know what you plan on doing here." He tells Sky man.

"I've come to put an end to Loki's schemes." Sky man yells. He looks powerful, i've never heard of him before but he does match the legend of Thor. Big guy with a hammer who controls lightning. 

"Then prove it. Put that hammer down." Steve tells him. His voice just automatically sounds patriotic. He seems like the type of guy to stop a fight by standing in the middle and making a huge speech.

"Uh bad call. He loves his hammer." Tony speaks up but Sky man hits him with the hammer sending him across the dirt floor.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" Sky man asks, seething with rage. He looks like he is about to kill someone, hopefully not me. Sky man jumps towards Steve aiming his hammer at him. Steve puts up his shield causing the hammer and shield to collide. As they make contact a wave of electricity comes from it. Knocking us all to the hard forest ground. 

"Good plan, Cap." I groan on the ground as I hold my abdomen. I get up, my hair now messy and my face covered in dirt.

Steve glares at me and says to the others, "Are we done here?"

A/N: So Steve and Maya have a complex relationship. Next chapter is gonna be Maya interacting with Loki and an important flashback ;). Also bellamy is Dreykov's kid. Surprise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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Cowboy like me ~ K. MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now