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Mahemet and Hasani

10127 BC - Arabian Desert - Middle East

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10127 BC - Arabian Desert - Middle East

It was well past midnight when Mahemet and Hasani reached the top of the largest dune in their vicinity in search of a good vantage point.

They currently were experiencing mixed feelings when it came to their journey across the desert.

On the one hand the bright full moon and mostly cloudless sky made it easy to navigate the individual dunes, but on the other hand the moon's bright light obscured the stars meaning they had little in the way of orienting themselves.

Another element to their feeling was they would not always be able to see as well at night time, they would gladly put up with this disadvantage to conserve energy and water, not to mention the current conditions were reasonably, under the circumstances.

They both were somewhat thirsty but knew they had to ration their daily catch of water and it wasn't time yet for another sip.

While each of them took out tools to attempt to triangulate their position, a loud and deep rumbling came over far away.

"That wasn't my imagination, was it?" Mahemet hesitated to ask Hasani.

Hasani shook her head before feeling a cold chill down her spine, which she saw Mahemet felt too.

"I heard it too," Hasani replied, "It was as the oracle described 'the roar of a mighty beast where there is none', followed by the 'touch of God in your spine'. "

"We cannot be far then," Mahemet said as he pointed vaguely in the direction the 'roar' came from, "We must head in that direction post-haste."

Both of them started walking down the sharp edge of the dune they were on, attempting to stay the course towards the 'roar,' which happened to be westward, as they tried to circumvent the endless sea of sand hills that stretched out in every direction.

It would be several hours of wandering vaguely westward for them to make any more progress in relation to the Oracle's mission.

Mahemet and Hasani were missionaries of sorts. They belonged to a small band of nomads called Al-Baharish. They were a reasonably small religious sect from near the end of the Tigris river leading into the Persian Gulf.

Their prophet and oracle had predicted a sign from the Gods above would reveal itself within the next few moons. Amongst the community the rumours spread like fire and before long many missionaries gathered to hear the words of the prophet. The prophet said that his nights were plagued by images of a tear in the world, from which would emerge the voice of God, first, and later would spew forth angels of destruction onto the earth. The dreams led him westward and northward and this was to be the directions several small teams would leave Al-Baharish in search of God's mark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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