I Love You 5 (get it? Chapter 5?!)

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Nova's POV 

 I woke up in a place that wasn't my appartment. It felt like I'd been sleeping forever. Scarred and confused, I came close to crying but relaxed when I saw Chris sleeping beside me. I looked around the dark room and as my eyes adjusted, I reconized it as a hospital room. I quietly slipped out of the bed and walked out into the hallway. 

 I didn't get very far before a hospital worker spotted me. "Nova Sykes?" They called, evidently the people here know me, so why don't I know them? I turned around and face the doctor. A tall man with graying hair, somewhere in his late 70's. "Are you alright?" he asked. I shook my head, no. "Little confused, are we now?" he asked, smiling. "Yes," I replied. "Care to walk with me?" "Sure."

 The doctor- Dr. Jones, explained the whole thing to me, from the car crash, which I remember somewhat, to now. When he finally finished he looked at the exspensive watch on his wrist. "Well, it's about five in the morning now. I doubt you're tired after all the sleep you've had. I suggest waiting an hour for breakfast, your boyfriend's an early riser," Dr. Jones said, rising. "Magazines and a TV over there," he said pointing. I nodded. "Thank you so much, Dr. Jones," I say, standing as well. "Just glad to see you awake," he smiled.

 I sat and waited in the area Dr. Jones had pointed out for about an hour, like he said. I was in he middle of a three month old issue of Glamour, which didn't seem so old to me, when I saw him. He ran into the large, open room and stopped to talk to a lady that sat at a desk. I sat quietly a waited. The woman pointed to me. Chris turned around to face me and every bit of worry imediantly vanished from his face. 

 He immediantly bolted across the room and I hardly had time to stand up. "Nova," he whispered. He pulled me into a huge hug, lifting me off the ground and twirling in circles. Finally, he set me down and just stared at me. "I've missed you eyes so much," he said. And after I thought I might burst if I waited another second, I looped my arms around his neck and I kissed him.  

 We were just kissing, and kissing, and kissing, and I couldn't help it. My hair was a blonde, curly mess, and I was still wearing a hospital gown but we didn't care. But finally, I pulled away. "Christofer Drew Ingle, I love you more than I know what to do with." If possible, his smile widened.  "Nova Bella Sykes, I love you more than words can say, so I got this to help me out a little." 

 And then it was like a dream. Chris, the man I loved, got down on one knee, pulling a ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me?" I put a hand over my mouth and tears flowed down my face. All I could do was nod my head until it hurt. Chris put the ring on my finger, stood up, and held my face between his hands. He kissed me again, and more, and all that I could be in that moment, was happy that I woke up.  


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