I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know- Epilouge

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 I walked up the gravel drive way to the old Joplin farmhouse I know she always dreamed of living in, and smiled to myself. I heard kids playing in the back. It's been five years since there wedding and I haven't seen them since. I only told him I was coming, and that I wanted to suprised her.  

 I knocked on the dark green door and waited. "Just a second!" he called. Good, so far our little plan was going right. The door open and he grinned at me and laughed, "Hey, man. Gimme a hug." I did, then he added, "She'll be back in about ten minutes, procede with the plan." I nodded and smiled, stepping into the huge house. "It's great to see you, Chris. Sorry it's been so long," I said. "Well, I understand. Set your bag down and come meet the kids," he said. I put my balck bag on the kitchen island and followed Chris out the back door. "Oliver! Teagan! Come meet somebody!" he called.  

 A dark hair boy who looked four or five, and a blonde haired girl who was about two ran up to us. "Oliver?" I whispered to Chris. He nodded and smiled at me. "Daddy, who this?" asked the boy, Oliver. "Guys, this is your uncle Oli. He's gonna stay with us for a while. The girl, Teagan, smiled. "He's guy tuh-toos like you, Daddy," laughed Little Oliver. "I know," replied Chris. "Why do you let him play with you guys for a bit, hmm?" Both of the children nodded, the  Oliver poked me and yelled, "Tag-a-it!" and the two ran away squealing. "Have fun," said Chris before returning to the house.  

 I chased after the kids for a few minutes, then I heard the car down shut. She walked into the house, arms full of groceries, and into the kitchen. The windows in the room were open so I could hear her talking. "Hey Chris!" She called, staring at my bag. "Whose bag is-" she glanced out the window, threw the food onto the counter and dashed out the back door. 

 "OLI!" she yelled. I turned around just in time to catch her. "I missed you so much," she said into my shirt. "I missed you too, Nova." I set her down. "You look great," I smiled. She laughed. "Yeah, sure. Two kids later," she laughed. "What about you! You're 32! You haven't aged a day." I psshed her. "Can it, sis. You're too young to worry about being old."  

 She laughed, long and hard. It was really great to see Nova and Chris again. He joined us outside and insisted to Nova that he had no idea what-so-ever that I was coming, or that I was actually here."Yeah, right," said Nova. 

 That night at dinner, I made and annoucement. "Well, I just want to say that it's so great to see you guys, I've really missed you. I know we've had our fair share of bad times, but we've got the good times too. This is one of those times, and I thought I'd just take the oppurtunity to say I love you, so here goes. I love you, guys."

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