Chapter Two: Birds Of A Feather

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In the morning, Quinn's footsteps clicked across the cobbles, differing with the heavy silence that filled the grand hallway leading to the throne room, her blue attire swaying with each step. Pushing open the doors, she found the room bathed in the soft light of dawn, filtering through stained glass windows.

The Queen dowager, dressed in a deep red, stood by the thrones, awaiting her daughter before she took a seat. Beside her, the court physician, in a plain brown robe, turned to greet Quinn with a gentle bow.

"So, upon which grand adventure shall Ava embark?" Quinn asked as her mother listened, scanning the colour of her dress before turning to her son.

"Her quest," The King said, taking a minute to prepare himself for his sister's reaction, "Is one of heart as much as it is of strength. The celestial sword, a weapon of immense power, lies beyond the reach of mere force. It is enshrined within a cave in Sapphirus Mountain, guarded not by beasts but by the essence of purity and wisdom."

"That's thousands of miles East; we have had knights accept this quest and fail to return."

"Yes. It is the quest I have chosen for Ava, and I hope she will return to us. Tell the guards to retrieve her and the court." Quinn nodded, bowing and looking at the nearest knight.

"Off you pop, Luke." She tapped his helmet with her long nails; he bowed and went to undertake the King's orders.

Ava's heart pounded like a drum as the knights escorted her from the cold, unforgiving embrace of the dungeon. Her eyes squinted, adjusting to the bright torchlight of the crowded courtroom. Whispers filled the air as she made her way before the thrones.

The King's voice cut through the murmurs, firm yet not without a trace of empathy.

"Ava, your past is checkered, but redemption lies in brave deeds. The quest I will place you on will be to retrieve the Celestial Sword hidden inside the Sapphirus mountain; it will be your path to absolution should you return; it will take more than just skill and grit to get through this; this journey will prove you to be true of heart. Take this for your journey; a map is included inside, and a horse awaits you outside. You must venture on this quest alone and unaided." His words were his manservant's queue to bring forth a modest bundle of provisions.

"I won't let you down," She whispered more to herself, though her eyes fixed on Quinn.

Ava turned with a nod from the throne, leaving the hall and out of the heavy doors into the outside; her horse was handed to her, her grip tightening on the leather reins as she lifted her bag onto its back and climbed up.

"Does he have a name?" The servant who handed her the horse shrugged and walked away as the Princess approached.

"His name is Pluto. Venus over there is my horse." Ava smiled down at Quinn, glad she had come to see her off. "I wish you good luck, Ava. If anyone can do this, it's you." Ava's hands fidgeted with the reins.

"Thanks, Quinn. I will complete this quest or die trying."

"Here's your sword and dagger." She returned her weapons, sliding the sword into its case and buckling the dagger to her wrist, concealing it with her sleeve. "And, also... take this." Quinn reached out, pressing a palm-sized brooch into Ava's hand. "Consider it a token of gratitude and a charm for extra good luck." Ava examined its detail and beauty before comparing it to Quinn's; she closed her fingers around it, feeling its edges and the warmth from Quinn's hand. She then attached it to her cloak beneath her chin.

"I'll keep it close. And I'll come back with that sword," Ava promised, her voice ringing with a newfound determination, more than she thought she had before.

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