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As maids run around the villa, setting the table for Luciano's parents, I can't help but feel a knot in my stomach as I stand at my now usual spot, staring at the pool water, smoking a cigar.

I hear footsteps approaching, and the person stands beside me. Looking to my left, I see Luciano.

"Ariella... Ariella... Ariella, what kind of wife meets her husband's parents when she is high?" he asks, not making this any easier for me.

We're not even married yet, and he's calling me his wife and himself, my husband.

"You are not my husband," I say, breathing in the smoke from my cigar before blowing it out.

"Not yet," he says, "but I will be in a few days."


"Can you leave me alone for a few seconds?" I ask.

"You confuse me, Ariella. You're always so feisty, but once you hear my parents are coming, you become an anxious mess," he says.

I'm not a fucking anxious mess; I'm just putting myself together for the probably awkward lunch I'm about to have.

"I'm not anxious," I say, defensively.

"Then why are you smoking at this time of day?" he questions.

"Because I fucking want to. Now leave me alone," I say.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, wifey," he says, walking towards me before literally grabbing the cigarette from my hand, throwing it on the ground, and crushing it under his foot.

That was a good fucking cigarette.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" I exclaim.

He wraps his hand around my neck, squeezing slightly.

"Watch how you talk to me," he squeezes a little more.

"Now, get your shit together and come to the dining room," he says, leaving me there.


After a few minutes, I head back into the house and find Sofia, Luciano, and the rest of his team standing at the door talking to their parents.

Shit, shit, shit. Unfortunately, Luciano didn't crush my cigarette fast enough because I'm high.

I head into the dining room, where I find Mateo, Dad, and the rest of the team seated there. I take a seat.

In no time, Luciano and Sofia walk in. Mateo stands up. "Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Delgado," he greets.

"Thanks for having us," a beautiful Spanish accent comes from Mrs. Delgado.

"Who is my son's fiancée?" she immediately asks.

Shit, shit, shit.

"She's right there," Mateo gestures to me.

Mrs. Delgado walks around the table to me. I stand up before she gives me a big hug.

"Hello, darling," she says.

"Hello, ma'am," I say. "Oh, please don't call me ma'am," she says.

"Call me anything but ma'am," she adds, walking to the other side of the table and seating herself beside her husband.

Dad and Mr. Delgado's conversation fills the dining room. Maids come in with our food, and we all dig in.

I can feel Luciano's gaze on me, but I try to avoid eye contact so nobody can talk to me because I'm high.

"So... Ariella," Mrs. Delgado begins.

"How old are you?" she asks.

Okay, that's a simple question I can answer without saying anything stupid.

"24," I respond shortly.

"Two years younger than my son. You two are perfect," she says, and I chuckle a little, hoping that my chuckle sounds real.

The rest of the lunch, everyone eats, chats, and whatever, but I'm dying to leave this table, so I excuse myself before leaving the dining room.

His parents must think I'm such a bitch, leaving the table before lunch ends.

When I get to my room, I just sit on my bed, waiting for the effects of the cigarette to wear off, when I hear a knock.

Why can't people in this villa leave me alone for a few minutes?

I walk to the door and open it, and to my surprise, it's Luciano, and he barges into my room, backing me up against a wall.

"What are you doing, Luciano?" I question, my voice slightly shaky.

"You've been a bad girl, Ariella," he whispers against my neck, his voice huskier than usual.

His hand trails on my thigh, lifting my dress up slightly.

"How?" I ask, trying to keep my composure. "You think I don't know that you're high?" he says.


"Coming to lunch high? I think I'm gonna have to punish you for that," his hand squeezes my thigh, making me let out a small whimper.

For some reason, his words make me squeeze my thighs together, and he notices, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Do you like the idea of me punishing you?" he asks, knowing what he is doing to me.

For a few minutes, I stay quiet before he squeezes my thigh a little more, now inflicting a little pain.

"Mhm," I respond, my breath catching in my throat.

Giving me small kisses on the neck, he says, "Come downstairs, wifey. My parents are about to leave," before leaving the room.

Why is he always leaving me shook?

What the fuck was that? My mind races as I try to process what just happened.

I go downstairs and find Dad, Luciano, Sofia, and Rafael saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Delgado.

"Ariella!" Mr. Delgado says, walking towards me. "It was so nice meeting you." She hugs me, and I hug her back.

Mr. Delgado also gives me a hug before they both leave.


I can't believe it. It's the night before my wedding.

The girls and I have planned a little bachelorette party for me.

We're in the living room, watching movies, eating, drinking, and singing in our pyjamas.

We just made a toast to my marriage, and honestly, I think it's one of the most unhappy toasts I have ever made.

The thought of going to Spain without my rock, without my best friend, without my world... it's honestly very excruciating.

Guys, I'm so grateful for all of you reading my book, I will try to update regularly
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