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After 40 minutes of fruitless interrogation, I've had enough of their defiance. "I'm done with your bullshit," I growl, snatching a pair of pliers from the nearby table.

I position one of the men's fingers between the jaws of the pliers. "Where. Is. Carlos?" I demand, applying pressure that threatens to pierce his skin.

"I don't know, okay!" he exclaims, his voice strained with fear as the pliers dig into his flesh.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I bark, releasing the pressure and tossing the pliers back onto the table.

"He doesn't tell us where he lives. He just meets us at his warehouses," he confesses.

"Which warehouse?" I question, my voice sharp and demanding.

"His biggest one," he replies, his voice trembling with fear.

"Where is it?" I press further.

"Cuba, St. Clementine Road," he blurts out, his body quivering in his chair.

Before he can say more, the other man interjects, "Don't bother telling him anything else. He will be dead soon."

I let out a disdainful chuckle. "What makes you think I will be dead soon?" I wrap my head around his neck, putting pressure causing his eyes to bulge out.

"Carlos," he struggles to speak.

"Carlos, what?" I tilt my head.

"Carlos knows you are working with the Italians, and he will stop at nothing to kill everyone who gets in his way," he manages to say between gasps for air.

I scoff at his words. "Laugh, chuckle, torture us while you still can. Because Carlos is coming for her, and he will have her," he taunts, his arrogance infuriating me.

With a surge of anger, I apply more pressure to his neck, causing him to gasp for air. "Carlos is coming for who?" I demand.

"Ariella," he confesses.

Without hesitation, I draw my gun from my waistband and point it at his head. "Carlos will be joining you soon," I declare before pulling the trigger.

As blood splatters onto my shirt, I turn to the other man, seizing the pliers from earlier. "Now you," I begin.

Positioning his finger between the jaws of the pliers,"Tell Carlos that she's my wife now," I command, applying pressure as the guy screams uncontrollably.

His agonized cries echo through the room as I cut off his finger. The finger falls into his lap, and he stares down at it in horror. Blood from where his finger previously was splatters all over me, staining my shirt.

Roughly pulling the ropes, they fall to the ground, freeing him. He dashes out of the room like a mouse fleeing from a cat.

Damn it, I need to change my shirt.

Exiting the room, I start dialing Mateo's number on my phone.

"Hello?" he answers.

"Hey, I got something out of Carlos' men," I say.

"What?" he asks eagerly.

"They gave me the location to one of his warehouses," I reply.

"That's solid intel. Send me the location, and I'll have one of my men check it out," he says.

"Sure, I'll text it to you after this call," I confirm.

"Okay, talk to you later," he says.

Assuming he wants to hang up, "Wait, Mateo," I say

"Yeah?" he responds.

"Carlos' men mentioned he is coming for Ariella again, and I can't help but wonder what could have possibly happened between them," I say.

"Unfortunately, this isn't my story to tell, man. Ariella has to tell you herself," he says.

Well, this would be a lot easier if he just told me.

The call ends, and I pull open the door to my black Mercedes, getting in and driving out of the premises.

I drive back to my mansion, intending to change my shirt before heading to our company.

Our family business serves as a front for our actual source of income, which is the mafia.

Exiting my car, I hurry into the house and head upstairs to my room. Without wasting time, I unbutton my stained shirt and toss it into the small washing basket against the wall. I quickly replace it with another black dress shirt, tucking it neatly into my pants and leaving two buttons undone.

Leaving my room, I descend the stairs and exit the house, making my way to my car.

I leave the yard and drive to the company, arriving in less than 20 minutes. I park in the parking lot, locking the car before striding towards the automatic glass sliding doors that lead me inside.

My footsteps echo as I walk towards the elevator. Once inside, I press the button for the floor housing my office. Upon arrival, I step out and head towards my office.

"Who did you leave in charge of the company while you were gone!?" my dad's voice greets me as I enter the office.

"One of my men... What was his name?... Gal?" I respond casually.

"Luciano, this is serious," he says sternly. "The individual you left in charge failed to attend important meetings, leading to loss of deals with investors and shareholders."

Frankly, I couldn't care less about the company. "Okay, so what do you want me to do?" I ask nonchalantly.

"I want you to attend a meeting with our remaining shareholders and investors," he says. "When?" I question.

"In three days," he replies.

I suppose I don't have anything planned three days from now. "Okay, I'll do it," I agree.

"Great, the meeting is in Valencia."

What? I'm not leaving the city just for a meeting. "Huh?" I express my surprise.

"You heard me,"

"Dad, I'm not going to Valencia for a meeting," I say

"You have to, it's not up for debate," he states firmly, walking towards the door. "Remember you're CEO."

He leaves, and I release my frustration by pounding the table with both fists, creating a loud bang.


Ariella Anna Accardi

Sitting behind the kitchen counter, I sip on some red wine while chatting with Matilda.

"So, you've worked for him that long?"

"Yes," she replies,

Matilda has been sharing the story of her years working for Luciano.

"Wow," I remark.

A few minutes later, I hear the front door open, not too far from the kitchen. Footsteps approach as Matilda and I continue talking.

Luciano walks into the kitchen, casting a glance at Matilda before she excuses herself.

"Ariella," he begins, his eyes scanning me from head to chest and back.

"I know we just arrived in Spain, but I have business in Valencia in three days, and you're coming with me," he declares.


"Okay," I respond, somewhat taken aback.

"Great," he says, leaving me seated in the kitchen.

this the man I married?

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