Recruiting Black Widow

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"You got an impressive resume and a skillset that would fit perfectly with S.H.I.E.L.D's agenda. Why not apply for an agent position?"



Two bullets ricochet from the cement pillars.


An arrow passes dangerously close to Natalia's right leg and that only happens because she turned left to slip into the corridor. She doesn't look back even when she is up three flight of stairs, he is still chasing her, she knows. After two weeks of playing cat and mouse with this man it would be a mistake from her part to assume otherwise. He may fall back from time to time but never loses her. She reaches the last floor and looks around, his rapid footsteps echo all the way up from the stairway.

Ten minutes before he catches up. She thinks while walking to the big opening where a window should had been. No apparent escape route except the stairs. She turns, eyes narrowing and teeth biting her lower lip, the ceiling is exposed leaving the air vents at plain sight. A smirk appears on her face, her eyes glinting dangerously.


Agent Clint Barton was exhausted, the woman known as the black widow had not been easy to find. Keeping up with her had resulted to be even more difficult. He saw a black shadow disappear in to the stairway and he followed, running up every step despite having every part of his body scream at him with fatigue. He was down to ten arrows which seemed to be a flimsy number for a direct confrontation with someone as skilled as her. Maybe is time to fall back and regroup Barton. God knows you won't be able to do much as tired as you are. Suddenly he could only listen to his own footsteps so he gave a brief look up in search for her shadow. He saw nothing but the light coming from a door which could only go either to the last floor of the building or the roof. He prepared a grappling arrow, from his experience in the last two weeks it was most probable she will be jumping to the next building to make her scape and he will have to follow. Tonight won't be the last stand off it seems, he still has time to decide.

When he came out of the stairway two things happened. He saw no one and relaxed, thinking his assumption had become true, then when he had reached the center of the room a shadow fell upon him. Sneaky little... He had only time to take his bow between his neck and the slim wire.

"Aagh" he grunted while using all his strength to stop his target from strangulating him.


<< Why don't we finish this game once and for all? >> Natalia said.

"Nngh, I have no idea what you just said so how about this? You drop the garrote, I drop the bow, and we can talk like the civilize people we are. Preferably in English."

American accent, ten arrows left inside his quiver. Her mind was running a mile a minute, they were at a stand-off and any second now it could tip to either side. She jumped of him taking out her gun and pointing it towards him. "What makes you think I want to talk?" she asked after letting a few seconds of silence pass. The man lowered his hands but otherwise did nothing, he looked right into her eyes gauging her. She did the same, looking first at his black uniform and the dirty state it was in, then noticing how fast his chest rose with each breath he took. He was as tired as she felt. S.H.I.E.L.D agent, that explains how he had been able to follow me. He has an earwig so someone is relaying him the Intel necessary to find me, which means... Natalia's hands moved slightly, looking like a small tremor had run through her body and her eyes were wide open for just a fraction of a second, not enough time for the man in front of her to notice the change but somehow he knew.

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