Naomi Mizuhara (Earth-777)

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Name: Naomi Mizuhara (水原 尚美, Mizuhara Naomi)

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Name: Naomi Mizuhara (水原 尚美, Mizuhara Naomi)

Alias: Bravestorm's Little Girlfriend, Sweet Face

Species: Evohuman

Nationality: Japanese-American

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Eye color: Magenta

Hair color: Brownish Blonde

Height: 5'8

Weight: 80 lb

Birthdate: 9/9

Relatives: Shoichi Mizuhara (father, deceased), Reika Mizuhara (mother, deceased)

Love Interest: Ethan Kalder/Bravestorm (fiancé)

Occupation: University student (formerly, Earth-777), Vigilante/Private Investigator (currently, Earth-1001)


Originally born in Earth-777, Naomi is born Japanese-American heritage. At some point, she met Ethan Kalder, a.k.a. Bravestorm, who rescued her from a villain during a mission.

As they spent time with each others, with Ethan revealing his secret identity, he also revealed his own traumatic past being abused and tortured by his father who was a supervillain, along with his own fear that people will reject him for being a villain's son. However, Naomi refused to abandon him as she truly loved him, no matter what he is.

At some point, Naomi caught the attention of Caleb Petrelli, a.k.a. Wildcard. Caleb gained a twisted obsession toward her for unknown reason, but also out of his malicious belief that Ethan didn't deserve a lover. Out of his own spite and his twisted desire to see Ethan suffer, he broke into her bedroom where he broke her arm and her leg but was caught by Rachel and Alice who were visiting her and driven out. Although Caleb was never caught due to being in disguise, and was presumed as a villain randomly attacking her, Rachel and Alice suspected it was Caleb. After that, Joshua healed her and Ethan became overprotective toward her.

Later on Ethan and Naomi got engaged, and with Naomi pregnant with her and Ethan's child. While coming home, Naomi was once again met by Caleb, who lied that Ethan assigned him to protect her as he and the Vanguardians were hunted down by villains who were also targeting their close acquaintances. Naomi, unaware, followed Caleb, but this was a trap set by Caleb who revealed his treachery and proceeded to torture her. Ethan came to the rescue after learning of this, but was too late as he watched helplessly while Caleb brutally murdered her by impaling her through her heart, killing her and the child. As she died, she comforted Ethan and told him that she will always love him.

However, the trauma from the pain inflicted by Caleb caused her Evohuman powers to be triggered and unlocked her power to reincarnate. Once her awakens, she finds herself in a dark void. Naomi, sensing her child's death, and unable to find Ethan, falls into despair.

However, as she is reincarnated, she sees a vision of Ethan, alive and sent to another world. Naomi, with a newfound hope that she will one day reunite with Ethan. Within the new world she was born, she lives a normal life but without meeting Ethan, and along with Caleb and other heroes and villains not existing in this world, she avoids her death.

Little does Naomi know, her story has just begun...


Naomi is a kind, caring, compassionate, polite, and sympathetic young woman.

After being reincarnated, she was traumatized from remembering her gruesome and horrifying death along with losing her child, she spirals down into depression. However, when she learns about Ethan being alive, she regains her hope knowing one day she will be reunited with him.

With her newfound powers, she became more confident and inspired by her fiance and his team's heroics to help out others in need, while hoping that she could be reunited with him one day. She is also shown to be confident in combat due to her newfound powers that would help out others in need.


Evohuman Physiology: Originally a human, her Evohuman powers were triggered upon her torture and later murder by the hands of Caleb Petrelli. After being reincarnated in Earth-823, Naomi's body was altered to of an Evohuman.

Superhuman Strength: After reincarnated, Naomi gains basic Evohuman powers, including superhuman strength, in this case she is able to break through metal and crush human bodies.

Superhuman Speed: After reincarnated, Naomi gains basic Evohuman powers, including superhuman speed, able to catch up to a speeding car.

Superhuman Durability: After reincarnated, Naomi gains basic Evohuman powers, including superhuman durability, able to take hits from bullets.

Regenerative Healing Factor: After reincarnated, Naomi gains basic Evohuman powers, including a limited healing factor that allows her to heal from wounds or illnesses.

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